Thursday, September 30, 2010

Leaderboard - I made it!

So tonights WOD as posted previous was "Isabel" which is 30 reps of snatches for time.  Guys weight was 60kg, Girls weight was 40kg, tonight I did the WOD as prescribed at 40kg, and got out all my snatches in 3:24, I was really happy with this time, I honestly thought it would have taken alot longer.  Upside, I think I was the only girl today to do the weight as rx'd and I made the leader board finally!! So stoked, huge achievement its not often that I make the leaderboard, the only chance I generally get is during a strength session of 1RM work, next goal for me is to get on the leaderboard is another WOD that is also cardio based (ie - which has running or rowing in it!)

So check me, 1st Place for Isabell!

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