Saturday, April 30, 2011


Men's Fitness catches up with the straight talking trainer to talk fitness, fame and how he handled one of his greatest challenges :  taking on a team of all women on The Biggest Loser

Meet me at the gates at 1200, Commando Steve instructs me on the phone, then hangs up.  I follow his instructions and arrive a few minutes early only to find him there, already waiting.  I see him glace at his watch and I find myself doing the same, double checking  that I was, infact, early.  At 185cm (6"1) and weighing in at just over 90kg of pure muscle, he's a force to be reckoned with.  For a moment I wonder if what he's seeing behind the Oakley's is just like the Terminator - all red, with a computer assessing my every move.  Thankfully his processor decided I'm not a threat and he smiles. 

We're at the third Sydney Tattoo and Body Art Expo in Sydney's Homebush Olympic Precint.  After a quick catch up, we wander inside  and check out the ink.  Every few steps Steve is asked for a photo from everyone from kids to older couples.  The Ten Network's The Biggest Loser has definately thrown the former Special Forces Solider into the limelight.

"I don't mind being stopped" says Steve as we negotiate the crowds.  "It's good to know people are watching and getting something out of what do".  Unlike many celebrities, he chat's openly with anyone game enough to initiate a conversation or ask for a snap. 

Celebrity status was never on Steve's agenda growing up in the suburbs just north of Brisbane.  As the eldest of 4 boys in his childhood was typical of the day.  "Lot's of sport and mucking around outside.  Not like most kids today we actually loved being active and outside.  He says his step-father ( who he calls Dad) was the perfect model.  "Dad's attitude and behaviour really help mould my morals and my outlook on life.  He taught me the value of working hard and that if I was going to do something, to do it properly.  Mum was at home with us boys" he remembers with a grin.  "That's a pretty full on job rausing 4 active boys.  But she did a good job"

"Initially, I was thinking I'd be a builder .  Lots of the guys in my family were builders, carpenters and the like.  I figured I'd just follow that line of work too, but there were jack-shit apprenticeships going when I finished school.  It just wasn't going to happen, so I started looking into the military as a career.  The infantry looked like something that'd be interesting, so I thought 'Yeah why not? I'll give it a go'.  Steve signed on the dotted line and said goodbye to his family and loved ones and shipped off to the Army.  "Basic training at Kappoka (in Wagga Wagga NSW) was a kick in the nuts, but I enjoyed it.  I just couldn't wait to get to my unit". 

Steve did make it to his infantry unit of choice, based in Sydney, only to arrive in time for a major restructure.  "My mates and I got told we could either ship off to another unit or stay here and have a go at the Commando selection course.  If we passed, we would be Special Forces.  It was a no- brainer for me.  The course sounded really challenging, so naturally it caught my interest.  Once I made up my mind, the Commandos was where I wanted to be failure just wasn't an option".  He put his name forward, passed first time round and spent the next 10 years serving as one of Australia's elitest soliders. 

After a decade in green, it was time for Steve to make a move into the civilian world.  "It can be a tough transition for alot of people" he notes.  "It's a huge culture shock.  I knew I just had to keep busy, so I worked on some construction sites while I put myself through courses to become a trainer.  That's around the time I got introduced to Crossfit"

At first, the hardened solider was alittle hesitant to try it out, but gave it a shot.  "It kicked my ass" he laughs.  At last a new fitness craze lived up to the hype and Steve was hooked.  He flew himself to the US to get some proper instruction and also to become certified as an instructor.  "Yeah I guess I was the first person in Australia to really do that.  Other people have done it since but I was the first". 

Steve brought his skills back to Australia and decided there was a market here for Crossfit.  I knew I had to open a purpose built Crossfit gym.  I told my closest mates about it.  A few people said they were in, they'd open it with me, but they all pulled out.  I spoke to an Army mate, Mick Shaw, about it and eventually we opened the first real Crossfit bo in  the Country.  Crossfit Effect (CFX) is Kogarah. 

Landing Losers

In 2005, Steve was contacted by a friend about a new TV series called The Biggest Loser.  They were looking for a former soldier who was a qualified trainer to join the resident coaches on the show.  "I wasn't sure it was really for me at the start, but I have it a go anyway.  The first time I did the audition I really went for it.  I came screaming up the driveway, yelling instructions.  It scared the shit out of people".  Needless to say Steve landed the part and the persona of The Commando was born.

Since that time, Commando Steve has bought a tough-love, heavy hitting style of training into the series and has coached the winnder or unner pretty much every season.  "Before this season I'd work only with a few contestants, like Bob and Nathan the other year in QLD, or Phil and Joe last year up in the Northern Territory.  This year I've joined the resident trainers, so I'm there all the tome.  There's a forth trainer too, Tiffany.  I've got my own team, which is pretty cool".

In contrast to everything Steve has been associated with in the past, his team this season, is made up of 2 sets of sisters.  "When I found  out I had a team of 4 women..."he reacts his stunned face.  "They're all women!  I grew up brothers, the Army- all guys, Now I'm here with 4 women, What the hell do I do?".

It's been a challenge learning to deal with such a different dynamic .  I'm just not used to dealing with women like that.  My Army unit was all guys, and I did that for 10 years!.  The other thing is that these women have lots of issues, and now they've been thrown together so they have to deal with each other's problems as well".

No Excuses

"They've got alot of excuses" he notes. Steve doesn't take excuses very well.  His life motto, even his business slogan is "There Are No Excuses!.  These women, actually all the contestants, have making excuses their whole lives, so much that I don't think it's even a conscious decision now, it just happens.  They get really good at manipulanting things to match their excuses and their decisions.  But when they get thrown into the mix with me  and want me to bend and change to suit them and I'm like 'No way.  Look where your excuses  have gotten you so far .  Why would I change my methods?  My stuff works- your's doesn't - deal with it!.  These women have tough real life issues, but have two choices, stay the way you are or do something about it. It's simple.  Make your decision".

As we continue to walk through the tattoo expo.  Steve is stopped yet again "Ummm, excuse me, are that guy from The Biggest Loser?  The Commando?"  asks an obviously nervous guy in his mid 20's. 

"Maybe" answers Steve, playing on the guys neves.  His voice is so distinctive it gives the game away. 

"I knew it was you!: the guy shouts.  "Hey honey - I told you it was him" he says, looking over to a girl a few metres away.  She holds up a camera, as if to que a question "Oh yeah, can my girlfriend get a photo with you?"

Steve laughs and the girl walks over for the shot. Once the couple trots off.  I turn to Steve and confess my thoughts on what just happened.  "That's just weird, man"

He laughs again and we continue walking. Up ahead, we find a man being tattooed by traditional steel hand held prong dipped in ink.  "Now that would test your steel" says Steve.  He stops to watch, mesmerised.  Finally, he breaks his trance and looks me in the eye.  'Brillant'.

The Future is so Bright

With this season of The Biggest Loser drawing closer to the finale.  I ask about the future for The Commando. 

"I've a fair bit lined up" he answers confidently.  "The show keeps me busy plus all the promotional work that goes with it.  I've got 6 bootcamps all lined up in QLD, all booked out and I'm organising some in Sydney.  Then there are the corporate jobs - team building and the like". 

Apart from his life as The Commando, the athlete, Steve Willis  is highly sought after in the Crossfit world, both in Australia and abroad.  After placing an incredible 4th in the 2009 Crossfit Games  held in California and being one of the country's original Crossfitters, he constantly travels to gyms as a guest speaker and trainer.  "I enjoy that.  It's great to see Crossfit crowing so erll in Australia.  We've got some great athletes.  Although I'm moving away from CFX I'm still an avid Crossfit athlete  and coach.  I just don't have time to run the gym". 

Looking at Steve's calendar for the 18 months, he is booked solid.  This work schedule alone would be enough for most men to lay of their training, but not Steve.  What about his young family, which is set to expand it late July?  Surely that would put a dent in his training and nutrition regime?  Not for Steve.  "There's that word again.  Sure I have plenty of excuses to ease up, but there just that - excuses.  I train, because I make time to train; I eat well because I make the effort to plan ahead.  The alternative is to eat crap, get lazy but is that even an option?  Not a fucking chance"

Courtsey of Mens Health

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