Saturday, February 19, 2011

Weigh In 19/2/11

Hi Guys

I forgot to post last week re: my weight loss - but I lost 800g last week and I admit I was feeling a little demotivated, not real happy with that, because I knew I had worked my butt off!!  This week I added some almonds and some more avocado into my food log, and also started kickboxing and boxing with the PTI's and that definately helped this week. 

This week at weigh in I managed a loss of 2.2kg - taking my total loss to 9.7kg so stoked!!

Now I'm feeling empowered, motivated and driven and looking forward to next week!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Rest Day

Rest Day

Massive session yesterday, so today is a programmed rest day to foam roll out, and massage out any knots and prepare for training tomorrow

Monday, February 7, 2011

WOD - 7/2/11


Medicine Ball Squat Cleans - 9kg ball

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Exercise Log - 6/2/2011

Exercise Log

Hi Guys

So I'm back home due to the death of a friend.  To try and take my mind off it I went and just hammered myself.  No not with booze (I don't drink), but with exercise. 

Morning - 1 hour swim - covered around 1.5km

Afternoon - 10km Hike in the Mountains

Feeling strong and good - legs are dead, but good, earned about 20 bonus points!  Bring it on!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

This Past Week

Hi Everyone

So this week has been really bad, in terms of making good food choices and exercise.  I'm finding that if I am getting hungry, I've going to the "tuckshop" similar to our galley, but it's full of chocolate and chips and nothing really healthy, I've just been craving really unhealthy food.  I'm making a fresh start as of tomorrow, but I'm going to restart fresh tomorrow, I'm just really angry at myself and it seems this deployment is going to be alot harder on my diet then I thought.  Just need to keep at it and remain focused on the goal.