Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Weigh In 23/7/11

I know this blog post has been a little while coming- but I'm back more motivated and ready to smash it!

The weekend before last I knew that I had a pretty bad week and knew it was going to reflect poorly at weigh in and it did I gained a massive 1.9kg.  This was the kickstart that I needed to get me back on track.  

Last week I tracked every single morsel and liquid that went into my mouth and was rewarded with a massive 2.5kg loss!!

Starting Sunday I thought time to plan for an awesome week! I headed down to the pool, got my 1.5km swim in and had great tracking all weekend.  I feel pretty awesome where I am at in my journey at the moment.  

I have realised that for me I need to make sure that I plan everything and always have healthy food options at the ready like- fruit and yoghurt in the fridge, jellys armed and at the ready.  I mean not that there is any bad food in the fridge at home, its just I might have a Weight Watchers Apple Crumble bar, but instead of stopping at 1 I will eat maybe 6!  Something that I definately am addressing for myself

One of my close friends sent me the below picture which has really inspired and motivated me the last week:

This picture is so very true, nothing comes easily you have to work hard for it the rest of your life!  Hard work is definately something I know about I know that if I dedicate myself to it, I will achieve it, I just needed to focus on it and not let anything break it!

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