Monday, August 29, 2011

Time to Re- Focus

So this last week and half for me has been terrible for me.  I had been making bad decisions, eating everything from Hungry Jacks to KFC.  I hadn't been tracking my Propoints, have done very minimal exercise (which is quite unusual for me), due to my foot still not being right after City2Surf.  

However after feeling really, really sick this weekend and deciding that enough was enough I have jumped back on the band wagon. Up until after dinner tonight I had a really good day, had made positive choices and was really feeling like I was rolling.  

I didn't have enough time tonight to make the meringue pots that I was planning to do tonight and I was really craving dessert, so I went up to Coles and bought Skinny Cow Ice Cream, now I had enough PP left to cover this, but no for the 3 Bars of Cadbury I bought to go with it!

What the F**K is wrong with me.  I make a decision to start fresh and I go and do this!!  

Tomorrow is another day and I will stick to all my PP, do not give in to temptation, go back to Kung Fu, and I will go and run early tomorrow.  

I was given some great advice by another WW member and she said look your human, you are going to have good and bad days, but the thing that matters is whether you get up dust yourself off and start a new the next day, which is exactly what I am going to do tomorrow!

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