Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Kung Fu + Mental Disipline

As most of you know from this blog and my facebook is that I enjoy martial arts.  Up until about 3 weeks I was doing Muay Thai boxing at Jabout. Now don't get me wrong I do enjoy kickboxing, but for me I was feeling like I had reached my limit, and to be honest I was starting to get a little bored with it.  We do the same combinations every night and I was just not feeling like I was going anywhere with it.

In saying that I had always been interested in Kung Fu, watching it from when I was young.  So I decided to take a leap of faith and went down to our local Kwoon and tried 2 casual classes.  I loved it, all new types of training to try, they didn't shun you because you were new, everyone was so welcoming.  I loved and have been going every since.  

At the moment we are currently learning WUSHU 1, which is a fairly easy form, but takes a lot of practise to get right!!

I feel in a much better place now than I was even just a few days ago, I found something that I am loving and I'm feeling much more motivated and energised because of it!

Bring on this weeks weigh in!

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