Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Kung Fu- Sash Grading

I am going to start off this post with a little bit of a whinge.  The last 2 days or so my back especially the left hand side has been exceptionally sore. Just feels like I have strained it, but today it was really acting up and starting spaseming.  Not good!! So unfortunately for me exercise has been extremely light!  

I had been stretching it out all day trying to loosen it up, which definately helped.  
I always look forward to Tuesday and Thursdays because its Kung Fu days.  Tonight I was presented with my first stripe on my sash!

Which we passed our stripe grading last week, but only presented with it tonight.  But this symbolises for me, one of many goals I can achieve its only onward and upward from here.  

Tonight was tough, we were given the bo staff's and told to balance them on our thighs while we sat is Horsestance, and wow that was tough! I had so much trouble doing this, but again something for me to work on!
Then we started learning some new things, which included our blocks.  Which were:
Upper Block
Outer Block
Inner Block
Lower Block
Groin Block
All done whilst sitting in horsestance, needless to say my legs are completely shot right about now.  But just going to keep practising and will post some videos of all this + Wushu 1 soon, just gotta get someone to hold the camera!

Tomorrow I am also getting Chinese therapy done on my back, so hopefully this helps.  Going to see Sihing Ben tomorrow and see how we go with it!! Fingers crossed it helps!

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