Friday, September 30, 2011

Motivation Or Lack There Of

The last 2 weeks I have really been struggling to stay on the programme, eat clean and track my Propoints, at last weeks weigh in I gained 3.1kg, which to do in a week is absolutely ridiculous, and I would have though that, that would have been enough to kick my butt into getting back on track.  Which it did for about 3 days and then I have just been back off track again, having lots of takeaway foods like Pad Thai and Chinese food and just not caring about anything.   Well enough is enough!  I can feel myself slipping back into a hole that once I reach the bottom of I struggle to get out of.  

The plan of attack for me tomorrow is:
- Go to my meeting and weigh in and have a chat to my leader about getting back on track
- Do a healthy food shop for the week and plan my meals in advance
- Cook healthy meals and try some different meals
- Head to the Chinese Gardens in Sydney on Sunday and try and re-centre my energy and refocus back on what is important
- Restart my Tai Chi and Kung Fu focuses
- Look at investing in a bike

I really do want to achieve the final goal that I have set for myself, currently I think its best for me to get back to basics and start with small goals, such as 5kg.  Which is what I am going to do it doesn't matter what I weigh in at tomorrow, I'm just going to start a fresh and say 5kg from now is the first goal!

Let's start the journey from now!

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