Dear Me
The road to where you are at, at the moment has been a rocky one; you’ve had your ups and downs. But some how you have made it, to 127.1kg. When I jumped on the scales at Weight Watchers last week and saw the weight that flashed up at me I felt physically sick. I couldn’t believe that I had let myself get back to that size. 18 months ago I had gotten my weight back to 78kg and felt; fit, happy, full of life nothing can get me down, and yet in such a short time I have gained back 49kg, just by idiotic choices and gorging on foods that did not benefit my health and wellbeing.
Well it stops right here, right now. It actually stopped the moment I stepped on the scales last Saturday the whole mindset – the way I had programmed myself to think was changing right there on the spot. I had adopted a new positive mindset – encouraging myself that I can do anything that set my mind to, even if it seems unattainable.
I know that I can do this and I will do this by:
- Tracking everything that I eat and drink
- Schedule in a mixture of Crossfit and Thai Boxing per week + hiking on the weekends
- Build a network of supportive and positive people around me
- Making healthy food choices, and also educating myself about the best types of foods for my body
- Work hard to achieve what I want by incorporating the above into my life.
I know that if I work harder than I ever have before that I will achieve my goal weight of 60kg, which will be a loss of 67.1kg. If I aim for atleast 1kg per week, then I will be able to work this off in approximately one year and achieve my ultimate goal of being happy, fit and healthy.
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