Thursday, May 12, 2011

WOD - 12/5/11


5 Rounds
5 Muscle Ups
10 Power Cleans- 40kg
200m Run

1 comment:

  1. First WOD back at Norwest and OMG!! I felt like I was going to die- my lungs were burning, chest was pounding, couldn't breathe and dripping with sweat and loved every minute of it :D Yes I know I'm a very sick person!


    Five rounds for time of:
    5 Muscle-ups - SUBBED FOR 15 pull ups with black and green bands
    40kg Power clean, 10 reps
    Run 200 meters

    What a WOD to return on, this didn't look too bad, I thought I'll smash through the power cleans, but jeez when you haven't lifted 40kg in 5 months wow, it hurts!!

    Managed to get through this WOD with DC's help, thanks for the awesome coaching DC in 23:13
