Friday, May 27, 2011

Weigh In 27/5/11 + Fitness Assessment

Hi Guys

So I weighed in 1 day early this week as I have a pretty big weekend ahead, and didn't want to miss my weekly weigh in.  So I decided to bite the bullet and weigh in nice and early 9am with Ange at the Penrith Meeting.  

Now this week I have been struck down with a chest infection, which is slowly clearing, but everytime I cough I still sound like a pack a day smoker, but its 50% better than it was so... I jumped on the scales and couldn't believe what it told me..............

I lost another 2kg!  I did track diligently including the weekend this past week, but because I didn't train I honestly didn't think I would have pulled such a big number!  I mean 2kg is huge and the past 2 weeks I have had big losses.  In my first week I lost 2.7kg then last week 2kg and now this week 2kg- that's a total loss of 6.7kg in 3 weeks!.  I feel like I'm on fire.  So the way I am following the program and my training must definately be working for me!

But I will definately be back to normal training this week.  I did a 7km bridge to bridge walk today and will possibly swim either tomorrow or Sunday and there will also be a Knapsack in there as well.  

This week was also a great week for me because since I lost the 2kg taking my loss to 6.7kg.  I have reached 5% of my body weight lost.  I started this at 127.1kg.  I am now 120.4kg.  When I realised that I had smashed through my 5% body weight loss, I was so happy and was presented with a book mark to comemerate the achievement with!

My reward for reaching 5% Body Weight Lost!
Then after weigh in I went and did the Bridge to Bridge with my friend Jason, who has been so supportive in my journey. 

Then tonight I had a fitness assessment with PT Viyash which was good.  I did better and somethings and not so good on the other things!! Viyash is going to email me the results, but here is the ones I remember.  Now remember guys I still weigh 120kg.

Beep Test- Level 2.1
Push Ups - 8 (on my toes)
Plank - 35 seconds
Wall Sit - 2min56sec
Sit and Reach - +9cm

For me, these results are just a starting point.  I am going to smash through these next month, when its time to do the assessment again!

Til next time everyone!

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