Sunday, May 29, 2011

Goals + Commitments for the Coming Week

Ok, so tomorrow is Monday, which means the start of a new working week and weight loss week (well technically mine starts Saturday morning straight after weigh in)- anyway.  Its time to make a commitment to myself for the coming week.  

1.  Is to track everything I eat and drink and be completely honest with myself.  No matter if I have 50g of chocolate - everything goes in that tracker.  

2.  Be active within the weight loss community, which means being active on the blog on the WW website, be active on the message boards, and also on this blog.  

3.  Make good, positive choices when it comes to food- which means eating food that is beneficial to my weight loss.  

4.  Make a commitment to train 6 days this week.  I have trained Friday morning - after my weigh in - had to weigh in a day earlier this week and did a 7km Bridge to Bridge walk.  Also trained this morning with 40 minutes of laps.  Adding onto this commitment I will give 100% to all my training this week and in the future.  

5.  Attend my meeting next Saturday

6.  Surrounding myself with positive people

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