Sunday, May 29, 2011

Recipe from One of My Favourite WW Leaders!

Hey Guys

So at my non regular meeting I went to on Friday.  Ange and I got talking about how its cold and all we really want to eat is soup, and we were saying how most soups are worth anything from 4-7 Propoints for a small bowl, and the Ange got a cheeky look on her face and said "I have a Pumpkin Soup recipe that is worth 0 Propoints".  When she said that I thought I had hit the lottery jackpot and luckily she had the recipe with her and so I thought I would share it with you guys! Here we go:

750g Pumpkin - Jap or Butternut
1 cup onions
2 Chicken Stock Cubes
Potato and Chilli (Optional)
1/2 tsp Ground Nutmeg
1 tsp crushed garlic
Mixed Herbs (optional)
Salt and Pepper to taste

1. Spray big pot with cooking spray
2.  Saute onion, garlic, chilli until transparent
3.  Add stock cubes, pumpkin, spices and potato and enough water to cover.  Cook until veges are soft
4.  Process in blender until smooth

0 Propoints with out potato!


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