Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Celebration + City2Surf

Hi Guys

I thought I'd talk a little bit about staying on track at functions.  

Tonight I had a function at work, now I was panicking because I knew what kind of foods (well to be honest I wouldn't call them food), they served chicken sausages, Jatz, Chips- nibblies you know - party food.  But I took 2 mandarins, 30g of almonds and a WW frozen meal (which I waited til I got home and ate).  I was so proud of myself I stayed in control and never gave in once, not even a Jatz!  I did my celebration dance right there at work.  I was so stoked!!

Then I came home at around 7.30pm and ate my beautiful dinner feeling pretty happy with myself!

My Beautiful Dinner of Fettucine in Green Beans and a Tomato Based Sauce
 The I came home and I had been talking about doing City2Surf for the last 2 years and had talked myself out of.  I'm not sure why, maybe the 14km course just scared the living daylights out of me.  But today something clicked and I have just finished registering for it.  I can't believe I actually registered. I'm locked in now and I have paid my $55 and I am raising money for the Cancer Council.  They do a fantastic job and I need your help to raise money for them. 

I am doing the City2Surf this year and I'm raising money for the Cancer Council
 The link to my fundraising page is

I'd love for everyone to get involved in the fundraising effort.  Now its time to start doing more running in prep for the event.  But I can't wait to get in there and give it all I have and prove to myself that I can do this!

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