Saturday, June 11, 2011

Weigh In 11/6/11

Another Saturday arrives which also means for another weigh in arrives.  As most of you know weigh ins tend to inflict alot of different emotions on people.  For me, it creates- excitement, celebration, nervousness, and sometimes disappointment.  

For me- I have had an awesome run since the start of my Weight Watchers Journey.

Week 1- Start at 127.1kg
Week 2- 124.4kg - 2.7kg loss
Week 3 - 122.4kg- 2kg loss
Week 4 - 120.4kg - 2kg loss
Week 5 - 119.2kg - 1.2kg loss
Week 6 - 118kg - 1.2kg loss

The run that I am having is just fantastic, I have been very strict on myself, but still eating the foods I want but tracking religiously!

This weeks results
So far now I have lost 9.1kg in 5 weeks at the best part about this is that I am now starting to get compliments from work mates and on a good day even family members.  My work mates say to me, "your looking thinner".  My parents say you finally look like your loosing the weight- granted kind of positive but not wholly.  

I am stoked to be so close to my 10kg loss only 900g off.  Just gotta keep chipping away at it and tackling every day and every kilo as it comes

Start Weight - 127.1kg
Current Weight- 118kg
Total Loss - 9.1kg
Goal Weight - 60kg
Weight to go - 58kg

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