Sunday, June 5, 2011

Knapsack 5/6/2011

I woke up this morning trying to decide what type of exercise I should do today- hmmm I was a toss up between hitting the pool for some laps, heading down to Nepean River and do the bridge to bridge walk or head up to Knapsack at to the hard trail.  Previously I would have chosen the course I think to be the easiest which probably would have been the river, but decided to challenge myself and do Knapsack.  

So I jumped in the car around 0730 this morning and headed up to start my walk.  There is quite a few different tracks you choose from but I did Margarets Lookout, which is considered one of the harder ones.

Track Options
Once I had decided which track I was going to tackle it was time to hit the 1km trek to the bridge

These guys definately had the same idea as me!
Then once I finally got to the bridge, I was beginning to rethink my options about the track I had chosen- 3 new options

The first path - takes you upto another lookout- didn't choose this one

Not really sure where this one goes, so didn't choose this one!

 The I made my way almost at a jogging pace to get to the rocks at the bottom to start my journey to the top

Now having done this track before I knew exactly what I was in for a steep accent and lots of stairs and boy do I mean lots!! Check em out

So proud- I did these stairs all unbroken!
 I shouldn't really say the "whole track" was stairs, there were a few flat bits also

But I knew I could so this as much as I was in I was determined to get to the top!

I knew once I saw my rock sculpture friends that I was so close- check em out!

Next thing I knew I was powering to the top.  I had done, I had a few mishaps along the way like falling flat on my face, lucky I don't have a photo of that!!  But I did it! Check out the celebratory photo and the view from the top

Me celebrating at the top!

View from the top!
The it was time to make the journey back down the track and at this point I was really quite knackered and was in search of some breakfast so I think I almost sprinted back, except for the path to get back to the bridge.  I think I was almost rock climbing vertically, check it out!

Getting ready for the trek back

The track to get back to the bridge

Me at the end red as a beetroot but happy I did it!
 Such a great way to start the weekend- what did you guys do?

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