Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Running Intervals + Kickboxing

So during the day today I had every intention of going home getting changed getting to Jabout early and do some running before class.  Then it got about 4pm and I don't know what came over me, but I just didn't want to do, maybe it was just the cold weather.  It got to about 5.45pm and it was sitting at home twiddling my thumbs thinking - "what I should do" and just thought screw it - I'm gonna go to Jabout kick my ass on the treadmill and stay for the class and I'm so glad I did!  

I ended up doing interval sprints for 3km on the treadmill @ 10km hour started at 1 minute on 1 minute off, but as I started to fatigue it was more like 45 seconds on 1 minute off, but I did that continually til I reached 3km and then stuck around to tackle the 1 hour kickboxing class at 7.  Which I managed to get through, but was flat out on the ground afterwards!!

But I know I definately worked hard today burning 1618 calories in 2 hours of training

Its not a very clear pic- but training time is 2hrs 11 minutes, 1618 calories burned and HR 122BPM
I've run 6km total this week, Lappo says I need to get a 10km week, so I'm thinking either just smash out 4km tomorrow or do 2km tomorrow and Friday, but we'll see how the legs feel tomorrow!!

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