Dinner Delights
Dinner is often the most anticipated meal of the day because it's when we get together with family and friends. Planning ahead often helps you get the most from this favourite every day eating occasion, even if you don't have the time or energy to create a masterpiece.
Consider these tips:
1. PLAN AHEAD - Different meals each night to keep your dinners interesting. Browse the Weight Watchers website or read the community blogs to find out what other members are having for dinner - it's a fun way to get inspired.
2. COOK A BIG BATCH - of lean meat like mince so you can make spag bowl one night and turn it into burritos with salad the next night - or Shepherd Pie or lasagne.......
3. Have a couple of QUICK FIX MEALS on hand for nights when you don't feel like cooking or get home late, such as frozen Weight Watchers meals.
4. Utilise as many TIME SAVING TECHNIQUES as possible such as frozen or pre cut vegetables and the microwave to defrost meal or cook vegetables.
5. If you are heading out to dinner, plan ahead by CHECKING OUT THE MENU BEFOREHAND and working out the ProPoints values of of your chosen dish.
6. Utilise some from your WEEKLY PROPOINTS ALLOWANCE for a sweet treat or glass of wine.
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