Saturday, January 15, 2011

WOD - 15/1/11



Run 1.2km
15 Burpees
15 Med ball cleans
30 Kettlebell swings 24/16
15 OVER box jumps
15 Push ups (males clapping)
30 Double unders
15 Steps stationary lunge 15/10
15 Dumbell push press
30 Air squats
200m Row
5 Tyre flips with jump through

* Teams will start the run together
* Individuals will NOT start the circuit until ALL members of the team are back
* Individuals will NOT move onto the next exercise until the member infront has completed that exercise
* First member to complete the circuit must wait for all remaining members to finish circuit before begining the 2nd round


  1. This WOD was absolutely brutal for my last WOD for a while with Norwest. Thanks everyone for pushing me through! I'm heading out on deployment for 6 months. I'll have do some of my own training while on board, just using the treadmill, some weights, and the rower. See you all again in August! Hopefully a new and slimmer woman!

  2. Are those Kettlebell things really as good as I have heard. Angie Dowds - Biggest Loser UK trainer swears by them saying they are the best fat burning tool ever. I am curious to what you think about them as I am interested in buying a couple??

  3. Kettlebells are an awesome training tool. So much to do with them. You should definately invest in some!
