Welcome to 2011. So a new year for me means setting NEW GOALS and in turn ACHIEVING NEW THINGS, which is something I am definately going to do!
So thought it would be great to post some things that I am going to achieving in the 12 month period that is 2011. Now this is not only limited to weight loss and fitness. It's also talking about things outside this that I want to achieve. But to start off with the easiest which is directly related to Weight Loss and Fitness:
Weight Loss
1. To maintain from today a steady loss of anything between 500-1kg on my weekly weigh in's. (I would prefer anything above a 1kg) - however the body is a strange entity and sometimes they're are weeks that we do everything right, we track, we make good, healthy, positive food choices, we exercise to the limit and yet for some reason out efforts just don't reflect on the scales. But if this happens to me I just going to stay positive and look forward to the next week and just remember to stick with it and not give in no matter how hard it gets!
2. Track each piece of food that goes into my mouth - I truly do mean every piece of food that goes into my mouth. I tend to have a habit that if I do eat something that isn't healthy such as chocolate or ice cream, that I don't count it doesn't exist. I'm getting out of this habit starting now, because there is no point in cheating the book, because I'm only cheating myself. So no more, I'm going be accountable to every little piece of food I eat!
3. Ultimately achieve my personal goal weight within 2 year - Having said that, for me to get down to 75kg, it would mean that I would have to lose 49kg, which I am confident that I will be able to do. I just need to maintain my focus, motivation and drive. I am aiming to achieve this by Dec 2011,
Fitness Goals
1. Running - Since training at Crossfit Norwest I have experienced both our 5km and 10km routes and I can tell you running this weighing 123kg is not a nice thing. I did the 10km course about 2 months ago and this took me 2 hours 10 minutes. I have done the 5km very recently and this alot more hilly than the last course so my time I was 55 minutes, trying to push 123kg up that hill is just tough. I want to improve my 5km run time to be under 40 minutes on our course. I do realise that as the weight comes off the running will become easier, so I'm in the process of fixing this up right now. So I'm really looking forward to getting better at the running and achieving this goal
2. Push Ups - For entry into the Royal Australian Navy, we have to be able to do 10 push ups on our toes. My goal is to get 20 unbroken on my toes- chest to ground, which I believe is achievable. In conjunction of rehabing my shoulder. I will achieve this goal.
3. Strength - 2010 was a fantastic year to see my achieving my strength goals, hitting some massive goals and I am planning to get even stronger this year. My goals for me, would be to do negatives and then progress back onto pullups without the band (how awesome would that be!!) Deadlift - 155kg (currently sitting at 147.5kg). Power Clean - 70kg (Currently sitting at 62.5kg), Squat Clean - 75-80kg (currently 65kg).
4. Gymnastic Movements - By the end of 2010, when I'm closer to achieving my goal weight. I would like to be able to things like Skin The Cat on the rings, ring dips - unassisted, pullups - unassisted, and a handstand (not necessarily a handstand push ups) but even just to be upside down :)
Ultimate Goal - To become unstoppable in late 2011-2012 and become a viable competitor in Crossfit Regional Games in either 2012 or 2013.
Other Things I would like to do in 2011
1. Climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge - This has been something I have wanted to do for a while, but due to my weight and then my knee op, I haven't been able to do it, but I will come the end of 2011
2. Skydive - I would love to be able to do this, so when I am under 100kg, I am going to go and do it, it just looks awesome!!
3. Put my application in to join the Royal Australian Navy
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