Tuesday, January 11, 2011

WOD - 11/1/11


8min max muscle ups
7min max 'Cindy' circuits
6min max 200m sprints
5min max KB swings 32/24
4min max Ground to over head
3min max box jumps
2mins max burpees
1min max hollow rocks

1 comment:

  1. Warm Up (Remedial Running Training for me)
    3.2km run - I had originally done 2.4km like I usually do on Monday's and Friday's- but didn't run yesterday so I made up for it today- Did the 2.4km in 19:33- slower than previous - but I guess that's what you get what you haven't run for 2 weeks!! + 800m run to warm up


    Multiple min max's

    8min max muscle ups - Subbed for 4 pullups + 4 ring dips (red band) - 9 rounds
    7min max 'Cindy' circuits - 3 rounds
    6min max 200m sprints - 3 rounds
    5min max KB swings 24/16 - 53 reps
    4min max Ground to over head - 20 reps
    3min max box jumps - 12 reps
    2mins max burpees - 14 reps
    1min max hollow rocks - 13 reps

    Total was 127 reps. This WOD absolutely broke me! Between all the running and then the WOD, I could have died right there. Almost meet Pukie but held off!

    Total calories burnt 1942
