Friday, December 31, 2010

1.1kg Gain

Hi Guys

So I had weigh in this morning and GAINED 1.1kg, absolutely shattered, I thought I might have gained a little but not 1.1kg.  Christmas day was good, I tracked, but it was everything that came after that stuffed me around and being on holidays with no structure isn't helping.  However I am back to eating properly, and tracking and keeping my mind busy. 

Since my gym is closed I'm doing alot of Crossfit sessions in the park, lots of running, hill sprints, burpees, push ups, squats, pullups.  I think also to this last week I haven't done much training which has really impacted.  I'm used to training alot like 6 intense sessions a week and not doing it has really impacted. 

Anyway, just kind of wanted to vent and hope everyone is having an awesome NYE!  Back to it tomorrow with MURPH - 1.6km run - 100 push ups - 200 sit ups - 300 squats - 1.6km run!  Great way to start off the new year!

Catch you in the New Year!

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