Friday, December 24, 2010

Weigh In + Week in Review

So as tomorrow is Christmas I went into Weight Watchers to do my weekly weigh in today. 

This week wasn't as good as last week as I've had my Work Christmas Party to deal with and I definately tried to make the best choices possibly (except for the Pecan Pie, which tasted so good!) but I definately paid for it the next day!

But I trained hard this week, doing 10km in running (so 2x new 5km course), this 5km course is a killer lots of massive hills, but I pushed myself on the first run and then the second run Corrine also pushed me, yelling at me the whole way.  I even had one lady stop - she apparently saw me running on the Monday (the first time I tackled this course), and told me that I had inspired her!  This bought me to tears, for me to actually inspire someone else, I felt truly blessed when she told me this.  The first run I did in 45 minutes- although I missed part of the course.  The second run I think Rob said I did in about 56 or 57 minutes, which I was really happy with.

Previous Weight - 124.2
Loss this week - 1.2kg
New Weight - 123.1kg
Total Loss - 4.5kg

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