Tuesday, December 21, 2010

WOD - 21/12/10



Thruster 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
Compare to 12th October 2010



30 reps 60kg Clean and jerk

1 comment:

  1. WOD

    Rob had asked me to run another 5km today with Corrine, but just knee pulled up way to sore to do it today. So I did:

    3km Row

    Did this in 15 minutes, which wasn't too bad - but next time I'm going to push a little harder- trying for sub 13 minutes.

    Then one of my favorite WOD's - GRACE. Last time I did this WOD was at Crossfit Penrith and used 30kg, and took approximately 6 minutes. So for me to do as rx'd GRACE in 2.51 (sub 3min was my goal) I am over the moon!! So happy!

    Now to do that killer 5km course with Corrine tomorrow
