Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Day

Hey Everyone

Christmas this year has come around very fast this year, I think post people will agree.  At weigh in yesterday I had a loss of 1.2kg, which I was over the moon about.  Today being Christmas some people tend to go all out, eating very very bad.  I made a promise to myself this year that I wouldn't be doing that this year, and so far I have kept this promise. 

I had a healthy breakfast of 2 pieces of wholemeal toast with 2 poached eggs, 4 slices of WW bacon, some mushrooms and tomatoes.  We had the traditional lunch of ham and chicken, with pasta salad and normal salad, and I have just had some WW Vanilla Icecream with Strawberries and some cocoa.  Which for me this is very controlled. I am very proud of myself for not splurging out like I usually would at this time of year. 

Now tomorrow is Boxing Day and I will be back making positive choices and staying within my points and heading back to training with a Bridge to Bridge Walk

Merry Christmas Everyone!!

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