Saturday, December 11, 2010

WOD - 11/12/10


5 rounds max strict pull ups
2min break between set
Tally total reps



Sumo Dead Lift High Pull (SDLHP)
Squat Clean
Push press/Push jerk
Ground to Overhead (anyhow)

* perform 20 secs of work followed by 10 sec of rest. However instead of staying on the same exercise for 8 circuits you will move to the next exercise and perform 8 rounds of this session Tabata style.

1 comment:

  1. Because I way this week and missed out on doing my 2.4km run, I made up for it, by doing it this morning before the WOD, and I'll tell you what when you haven't trained in a week, everything is tough!!!

    For the first part of the WOD I did negatives and got them out pretty good, I feel like I'm so close to lifting my feet off the ground, I can almost taste it!!

    Then came the second part of the WOD- TABATA- Now I looked at this and thought hey not to bad, its only 20 seconds of work - never again will I underestimate the power of Tabata - this kicked my ass!!! Scores weren't recorded but I know I was doing pretty bad after round 4!
