Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Food Talk

Hi Guys

Since we're all Weight Watchers- we all know we love our food, was curious about what you guys generally eat.  

For example today I had, 2 eggs scrambled on toast for breakfast, with tomato relish.  For the rest of the day I had almonds, tuna, yogurt, soup (for lunch), fruit bar.  Here is a photo of what I took to work today to eat

Pretty good looking food right!

Lunch- so yum!

Lunch- tasted so good!
 What kind of foods do you guys eat?

First Session With A New PT

So today I had my first session with my new PT, Viyash.  To be honest I felt like I could have worked much harder, but more about that later.  

So we'll start from the top, which for me means breakfast!! Eggs on toast

Breakfast in full prep

And done!!
Tasted so good, loves eggs for breakfast and because they are low GI, kept me full til 10.45am, and I ate these at 7.30am!! 

Then onto packing the gym bag for the day, as I was heading straight from work to training with Viyash

Shoes and Socks -  A staple of a good gym bag!



My little bible- HR Monitor

Gym Bag Completed and ready to go!
And to put in a full days worth of work before heading to training

Getting ready to head to work for 9 hours
 Time to head to the gym.  I did my first session with Viyash today, it was 3 rounds - squats at 20kg (2x10kg dumbbells - almost like a deadlift with dumbbells), then 10 push ups, tried to do as many on my toes as I could, my shoulders are gone!

Then did bench press with 2x10kg dumbbells for 3 rounds, with 15 air squats in between rounds.  

To be honest I found this very easy this session, the only thing I really struggled with was bench and that's mainly because I hadn't done it in while. I'm going to talk to Viyash about upping the intensity of our sessions, otherwise I might as well just continue training on my own.  

Post Workout Pic
See doesn't look like I'm working very hard does it- time to up the PT training I think!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Running + Kickboxing

Now as most of you know I am not the biggest fan of running, and I guess that its mainly due to the the fact that I am carrying around 120.4kg of weight, which obviously isn't helping- anyway as we know I am doing something about this by attending WW and already dropped almost 7kg.  

So I took myself to Jabout

nice and early at 5pm- the class I usually attend doesn't start til 7pm, but I was feeling extra motivated today.  I did 30 minutes on the bike and pumped out 10km, which I was really happy with.  Now to get down the stairs at Jabout, I have to walk right past the treadmill, and it seemed that I was in for a bit of a show down today with it- it was almost like I was in an old western movie and we were getting ready for a shoot out, but I jumped on, and did 20 minutes worth of 30 seconds of work at 10km and walk for 1 minute and continued doing that for 20 minutes.  I couldn't believe I actually got through it!  It seems to me like the treadmill and I are slowly starting to mend our fractured friendship. 

Then I decided to treat myself - now, now don't panic, it wasn't in the form of food.  I was due for a massage, so I jumped off the treadmill and went to visit Andrew- who is our resident masseuse.  My shoulders and calves were feeling a bit tight, so he dug into them.  Dug being the word, man it killed me calves, but upside, they are now feeling fantastic!!

Then it was time to tackle the 7pm class with Lappo

Boxing Gloves!

 Now by this point I had been on the bike, the treadmill, the massage table and I was exhausted!  But I pushed through the class with Alex (new friend).  And finally I was ready to come home take a nice warm shower and relax.  

All though that class definately took its toll on me!

This is after 3 hours of training!
In tonight's session I had managed to burn over 1900 calories, which I reakon was pretty impressive.  See its here on my watch

Training watch- burnt 1909 calories!
I also took some photos of myself and have posted them below.  I mean I knew I was big, but I just kind of look like a bit of a square- almost fridge like- but atleast I am on the track to making positive changes for me for the future! :)

Me at 120.4kg

And from the side at 120.4kg
 I have my first proper PT session with my new PT tomorrow, so excited, nervous, but actually really ready to train hard give him 100%.  

Look out for tomorrows blog post about it!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Goals + Commitments for the Coming Week

Ok, so tomorrow is Monday, which means the start of a new working week and weight loss week (well technically mine starts Saturday morning straight after weigh in)- anyway.  Its time to make a commitment to myself for the coming week.  

1.  Is to track everything I eat and drink and be completely honest with myself.  No matter if I have 50g of chocolate - everything goes in that tracker.  

2.  Be active within the weight loss community, which means being active on the blog on the WW website, be active on the message boards, and also on this blog.  

3.  Make good, positive choices when it comes to food- which means eating food that is beneficial to my weight loss.  

4.  Make a commitment to train 6 days this week.  I have trained Friday morning - after my weigh in - had to weigh in a day earlier this week and did a 7km Bridge to Bridge walk.  Also trained this morning with 40 minutes of laps.  Adding onto this commitment I will give 100% to all my training this week and in the future.  

5.  Attend my meeting next Saturday

6.  Surrounding myself with positive people

Achievements This Past Week

Hi Everyone

I thought I would take a look at this past week and just quietly reflect on what I have achieved.  I think its important to reflect and celebrate the things that we have done well and any good decisions we have made.  

So this past week.  I had weight in and lost 2kg, taking my total loss to 6.7kg in 3 weeks and achieving my 5% loss!  So stoked.  

My 5% bookmark that I was presented with at my meeting this Friday just gone

My total weight loss in 3 weeks on the Propoints program- 6.7kg and also achieving my 5% BW loss!
Another things to celebrate this week:
- When going to the movies this week instead of munching into doughnuts, or full fat muffins, I made a good choice of having a wrap with grilled chicken, avocado, lettuce, tomato and low fat sour cream, and not eating any of the doughnuts my friend bought to the movies.  Also selecting a bottle of water and a bottle of Coke Zero as beverages.  

- Sticking to my Propoints diligently, as I was struck down with a chest infection and couldn't train ( as I couldn't breathe), and it was rewarded with a great 2kg loss.  

-  Keeping my appointment with my new PT and getting through the fitness test and finding a base line for my fitness, which no doubt under the supervision of my PT and myself in conjunction with Weight Watchers my results will continue to improve every month!

A Little About Me and Some Answers to Some FAQS!

How long have I been doing Weight Watchers
I have been doing Weight Watchers on and off for the last 5-6 years.  When the old Points Plan was around I initially lost 48kg, but gained it back when I had knee and ankle surgery.  

Why did you decide to join?
Well I felt like I was just watching my life pass me by.  I'm 26 years old and want to start living my life the way I should be at my age.  I want to reclaim my life back!

Age / Height  / Ethnicity
I'm currently 25, and turning 26 in September, 5"5 or 160cm, and I am originally from Israel, but have spent majority of my life in Australia

What is your goal weight?  And are you at your goal weight?
My goal weight is 65-70kg.  I am not currently at my goal weight as yet.  I am currently 120.4kg, but I am well on the way on getting there.  I started this journey at 127.1kg

What was your highest and lowest weight?
My heaviest weight I have ever been is 140kg, and the lowest I have ever been is 85kg.  

What keeps me motivated?
1.  Going to my meetings and having not only that great support system but also people who understand what I am going through
2.  Reading different blog posts and hearing about their success and them reaching their goals, drives me to want to achieve mine.
3.  Reminding myself that being 140kg, wasn't a very happy place to be, and I know within myself that I will not ever allow myself to go back that negative, miserable place.  

I remind myself that: This is it - I have one life and I have to make the most of it!
I remind myself that: I wasted the most of 2 decades being very overweight, insecure and unhappy. That was such a waste of time!
I remind myself that: My body is mine.  I have one body and I want to treat it right so it treats me right! I am in control of my actions and ultimately my success.
I remind myself that: Nothing is guaranteed in life. Every day is truly a gift - and any one of them could very well be my last. I want to feel good about myself for the brief time I am part of this world.

How often do you train and what kind of training do you?
On an average I train upto 6 days a week, I swim, I train on the rower - doing both interval sprints and endurance rows, weighs, Muay Thai / Kickboxing, and as much as I hate to admit I do try and run - although I don't do it very well at the moment! It's a work in progress.  I was also training in Crossfit, however due to injury, I am unable to do this at the moment.  

Recipe from One of My Favourite WW Leaders!

Hey Guys

So at my non regular meeting I went to on Friday.  Ange and I got talking about how its cold and all we really want to eat is soup, and we were saying how most soups are worth anything from 4-7 Propoints for a small bowl, and the Ange got a cheeky look on her face and said "I have a Pumpkin Soup recipe that is worth 0 Propoints".  When she said that I thought I had hit the lottery jackpot and luckily she had the recipe with her and so I thought I would share it with you guys! Here we go:

750g Pumpkin - Jap or Butternut
1 cup onions
2 Chicken Stock Cubes
Potato and Chilli (Optional)
1/2 tsp Ground Nutmeg
1 tsp crushed garlic
Mixed Herbs (optional)
Salt and Pepper to taste

1. Spray big pot with cooking spray
2.  Saute onion, garlic, chilli until transparent
3.  Add stock cubes, pumpkin, spices and potato and enough water to cover.  Cook until veges are soft
4.  Process in blender until smooth

0 Propoints with out potato!


Friday, May 27, 2011

Weigh In 27/5/11 + Fitness Assessment

Hi Guys

So I weighed in 1 day early this week as I have a pretty big weekend ahead, and didn't want to miss my weekly weigh in.  So I decided to bite the bullet and weigh in nice and early 9am with Ange at the Penrith Meeting.  

Now this week I have been struck down with a chest infection, which is slowly clearing, but everytime I cough I still sound like a pack a day smoker, but its 50% better than it was so... I jumped on the scales and couldn't believe what it told me..............

I lost another 2kg!  I did track diligently including the weekend this past week, but because I didn't train I honestly didn't think I would have pulled such a big number!  I mean 2kg is huge and the past 2 weeks I have had big losses.  In my first week I lost 2.7kg then last week 2kg and now this week 2kg- that's a total loss of 6.7kg in 3 weeks!.  I feel like I'm on fire.  So the way I am following the program and my training must definately be working for me!

But I will definately be back to normal training this week.  I did a 7km bridge to bridge walk today and will possibly swim either tomorrow or Sunday and there will also be a Knapsack in there as well.  

This week was also a great week for me because since I lost the 2kg taking my loss to 6.7kg.  I have reached 5% of my body weight lost.  I started this at 127.1kg.  I am now 120.4kg.  When I realised that I had smashed through my 5% body weight loss, I was so happy and was presented with a book mark to comemerate the achievement with!

My reward for reaching 5% Body Weight Lost!
Then after weigh in I went and did the Bridge to Bridge with my friend Jason, who has been so supportive in my journey. 

Then tonight I had a fitness assessment with PT Viyash which was good.  I did better and somethings and not so good on the other things!! Viyash is going to email me the results, but here is the ones I remember.  Now remember guys I still weigh 120kg.

Beep Test- Level 2.1
Push Ups - 8 (on my toes)
Plank - 35 seconds
Wall Sit - 2min56sec
Sit and Reach - +9cm

For me, these results are just a starting point.  I am going to smash through these next month, when its time to do the assessment again!

Til next time everyone!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Weigh In 21/5/11

Hi Guys

So I know I'm a little late with this blog post, but I just haven't been able to get on and blog until now.  

So I had I weigh in this past Saturday and too my amazement I lost 2kg! I couldn't believe it! So as of last Saturday I have lost 4.7kg in 2 weeks, which I think is an amazing effort.  I honestly didn't think I could loose that much in 2 weeks.  But I guess all the tracking diligently on the weekend definately helped this week.  

I've got 3 days until this weeks weigh in, but I've been real sick with a cold and chest infection - the cold has gone, but chest infection remains.  Everytime I cough my ribs hurt and I sound like a pack a day smoker, and haven't been able to train all week not since Sunday, so to be honest I'm not expecting miracles on Saturday, even if I stay the same, I'll be happy and just get back into it next week

Plus I've got my fitness assessment this Friday with Viyash which included a beep test, push ups, sit ups, sit and reach.  Beep test is going to be interesting especially since I'm having trouble breathing!

Oh well, now just to track diligently until Saturday!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Weigh In 14/5/11 + Saturday

Hey Guys

So I had a really good week this week training and eating wise.  I had a really good feeling that I was going to have a good loss I had set myself a goal of a loss this week of anything over 1kg.  

So I wandering off to my meeting at 8am, and met my nemesis AKA the scales, but they gave me a fantastic result this week of 124.4kg.  Which means a loss of 2.7kg, which I was ecstastic about.  I couldn't believe it when I saw it.  

Now normally the weekend I tend to go a bit of track but this time I went out to the movies and saw Something Borrowed with my good friend and our usual staple is Muffin Break to take into the movies.  So it came time to choose the muffin and I admit I usually go for the Strawberry, Banana or Butterscotch, but this time I made a great choice and went for the Weight Watchers Choc Raspberry worth only 5 Propoints and a bottle of water and coke zero.  I was really happy with the positive decision that I had made and now the weekend is 50% over and I'm happy to say that I have remained control so far so good!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

WOD - 12/5/11


5 Rounds
5 Muscle Ups
10 Power Cleans- 40kg
200m Run

Letter to Future Me

Dear Me

The road to where you are at, at the moment has been a rocky one; you’ve had your ups and downs.  But some how you have made it, to 127.1kg.  When I jumped on the scales at Weight Watchers last week and saw the weight that flashed up at me I felt physically sick.  I couldn’t believe that I had let myself get back to that size.  18 months ago I had gotten my weight back to 78kg and felt; fit, happy, full of life nothing can get me down, and yet in such a short time I have gained back 49kg, just by idiotic choices and gorging on foods that did not benefit my health and wellbeing. 

Well it stops right here, right now.  It actually stopped the moment I stepped on the scales last Saturday the whole mindset – the way I had programmed myself to think was changing right there on the spot.  I had adopted a new positive mindset – encouraging myself that I can do anything that set my mind to, even if it seems unattainable. 

I know that I can do this and I will do this by:
- Tracking everything that I eat and drink
- Schedule in a mixture of Crossfit and Thai Boxing per week + hiking on the weekends
- Build a network of supportive and positive people around me
- Making healthy food choices, and also educating myself about the best types of foods for my body
- Work hard to achieve what I want by incorporating the above into my life.   

I know that if I work harder than I ever have before that I will achieve my goal weight of 60kg, which will be a loss of 67.1kg.  If I aim for atleast 1kg per week, then I will be able to work this off in approximately one year and achieve my ultimate goal of being happy, fit and healthy. 

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Ok, so I generally had a pretty good and productive day I swimming this morning then shopping for fruit (damn how expensive has fruit gotten lately! - anyway that's another blog post!) and got my highlights redone.  Found myself at home about 1.30pm just bored and wanting to eat, so I rang up my friend Jason and suggest we do Knapsack, we both just needed to get out the house and keep our mind off things

So we rock up to Knapsack, and chatting as we normally walking upto the bridge and it was really nice to just chat and have someone listen, especially with everything going on with the weight and the personal life, its a little drama filled right now. 

So finally we get upto the bridge

Knapsack Bridge
Knapsack Bridge - View from the bottom

And there is a few different tracks that we can go down but today we picked our usually hard one with lots of steep steps, but its such an awesome feeling when you get to the top, its one of those tracks that is just brutal especially when you weight 127kg, its very difficult to pull yourself up that track to say the least!!

One set of stairs on the track   

These stairs in the pictures were absolutely brutal!  No matter how many times you do these- they do not get any easier!!  Killer on thighs and butt!  But you feel awesome knowing that you conquered it!

One of the stairs we went up

You know your near the top when you see these awesome little rock statues!

Awesome Rock Statues!
Almost near the top!  Promise!

This little one means your less than 200m from the top!

So, so close to the top you can practically taste it!  Just a little more to go and I'm there!

View from the top - how good is that!
And here are some photos as we were walking down the trail

More up hill parts of the trail
Love this trail its so beautiful and relaxing
As much as do love doing knapsack walks and runs and I love being and training outside it is absolutely fantastic. 

Can't wait til the next time I do it which I'm hoping to be next week.  But knees are definately feeling it now and have to ice them down big time

Ice packs at the ready!  Iceing down after knapsack

Weigh In 7/6/11

Morning Guys

So I tried to do WW by myself at home to save myself of spending the $20 per week, but I just couldn't stick to it.  I found it very difficult to be honest with myself when there was no-one to answer to but me!  So I went back to my meeting yesterday morning and joined up once again not worrying about what people think, as I am doing this to achieve a better life for me physical and mentally. 

Here I met my nemesis the scales, so weeks they give me great results other weeks..... not so great results but here we are on this journey again.  I jumped on and the scales came up 127.1kg.  I felt like crying I couldn't believe that I had let my weight get to this.  But I'm back on the program now.  I did have a bit of a slip yesterday and had red rooster, but I went and earned the exercise points for that, but from right now, its 100% commitment!  6 more days to go til weigh in and I'm aiming for atleast 1kg loss!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Plan of Attack - Week 1 Starting - 7th May 2011

Saturday 7th May 
8am - Weight In @ Weight Watchers 
9am - Healthy Breakfast
10-12- Shopping
Afternoon - Either 1 hour swim or Knapsack or if I'm feeling good both!!

Sunday 8th May
Morning Knapsack or Lap of the Big Block near Home, around 8-9km

Monday 9th May
5.30am Swimming
6.30pm Crossfit Session or Kickboxing

6am - Run
6.30pm- Kickboxing + Rowing

5.30pm - Run

5.30am Swim
6:30pm - Crossfit or Kickboxing

Rest Day

Going Back

Hi Guys

So I've been struggling with this for a little bit.  I tried to do Weight Watchers myself for the last few weeks and have failed miserably.  I think its more to do with actually having someone I need to report to every week and knowing that I have to face someone other than myself you know!  

So I have made the decision to return to my meeting on Saturday morning and give it 100% commitment!  Even if some weeks I don't do as well as I would think I would.  I'm going to stick with it 110% and not be afraid to ask the stupid questions  and find the support I need to make this a success for me this time!