Thursday, June 9, 2011

Body Image + Your Body

We here alot of people everywhere talking about body image, and what we'd like our bodies to be like.  It seems funny to me that most people are never really 100% happy with our body even when we are fit and lean and healthy.  At the moment me at 119.2kg of course I'm not happy with my body, but I'm not even sure I'll be 100% happy then, but I believe I will be much happier than I am now.  

I mean to be honest, my ideal body would probably be similar to Angelina Jolie in Tomb Raider- strong, curvy and sexy, but I know that I will never look exactly like that but I will work damn hard to make sure I become strong, slim and healthy!

A friend had posted a quote on her blog and I'm going to borrow - its says "Love your body- not for what it looks like, but it what it can do and what its capable of doing".  I love this quote- it re-affirms my beliefs that our bodies are capable of alot more than we do to them.  

Instead of being disappointed in the way your body looks now and thinking negative thoughts about it.  Think about how good are you going to look and what you are working to achieve.  Think about what your body does for you in 1 day.  It keeps your heart beating, it keeps you alive, it lets you drive, swim, lift, walk, run, bend, stretch, type.  What would be do with out it?

Next time you start thinking negative about your body.  Stop...rewind and start thinking positive and name 3 things you love about your body.  

Start embracing it for it all it does for you and stop thinking about the negative things.  Start making changes for the positive starting right now!



  1. This is so true. I can't believe in this day and age that womens magazines are STILL all about photoshopped images etc. The latest Marie Claire magazine did a poll amongst it's editors and staff to ask what they liked about their bodies - all replied with a list of what they didn't like. I did the same poll with my CF ladies and they all answered with what they could do. For example, it wasn't about hip size, or circumference of thighs etc their answers were "i can deadlift my bodyweight, I can do a pullup, I can do more pushups than my husband" etc. Spot on Gillian.

  2. Exactly Jo! Your ladies sound awesome! Their embracing what their bodies can do and the positive things they have achieved instead of the negative things about ones body!

    Its great that they have a coach like you influencing them in a positive way :)
