Sunday, November 21, 2010

Bucket List

So at the moment I'm completing a list of everything I want to do and achieve by the end of 2011.

1.  To get my 2.4km run under 15 minutes
2.  Complete 15 chest to ground push ups in a row on my toes
3.  Consecutive double unders
4.  Get to my goal weight of 65kg
5.  Become happy and healthy in all aspects of my life
6.  Climb the harbour bridge
7.  Learn to rock climb
8.  Learn to absail
9.  Go to the Greek Isles
10. Learn Hebrew
11. Learn Arabic
12. Complete my 5km run in sub 40 minutes
13. Complete a 10km race and run the whole way
14.Go Kayaking in Sydney Harbour
15. Learn a new style of dance
16. Go Sky Diving
17. Complete my diving course
18. Finish the last few units of Certificate 4 in Fitness
19. Inspire someone to make a change for the better
20. Complete City 2 Surf next year
21. Complete Woodford to Glenbrook next year
22. Pullups without bands
23. Try a martial art

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