Saturday, November 13, 2010

Weigh In - 13/11/10

Hey Guys

So today was weigh in day.  I almost didn't make it due to a car accident on the way too weigh in.  But I thought I have worked to damn hard to let and accident not let me weigh in!  So off I went to weigh in.  Now I have to admit I always get very nervous before I weigh, not because I haven't ate clean or trained hard.  Just because sometimes we can do all the right things, but the scales do not move or only lose maybe 300-400g, we sometimes we feel we should lose more weight.

But I got there and jumped on and found out I lost 2.2kg this week by training hard, and eating clean.  Really happy with that.  I think that anything over a kilo loss per week is awesome!  The loss this week works out to be 1.75% of my body weight.

Now I just have to keep doing what I am doing and I'm well on the path that I need and want to be on to become a better athlete and also a better person!

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