This quote is something that one of my training partners from CF Norwest posted on his facebook page, and I loved it so much I've decided to quote it here and it got my thinking about the discipline that we give not only our training but to everyday life:
Discipline, it's not just waking up those mornings when you don't want to train, or keeping the right form when in the middle of WOD, but discipline is resisting the temptation to over train, taking the planned days off and make sure your body gets full use of the recovery. Discipline can also be applied to maintenance ...of your body and mind; take care of the small things and big things will take care of it's self.
It got me thinking about the types of discipline we apply to our training.
For myself I am disciplined to train 5 times per week at CF Norwest.
On Mondays and Fridays I will do the 2.4km hill run.
In my nutrition I will eat good nutritious food to help me achieve my goal weight.
I will work on weakness to become a more well round athlete and set continous goals and work to achieve them.
What are your disciplines?
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