Thursday, November 4, 2010

WOD - 4/11/10

This is a picture of Dora on Tuesday night after her and Susie unsuccessfully attempted the Melbourne Cup Horse and Jockey finisher. I believe Dora's instructions to Susie were to "Jump higher". Susie giving it 100% as always did indeed jump higher and tipped Dora forward and she became acquainted with the cement

Initial thoughs were shock but all tension was eased when Dora came up laughing histerically. True to her toughness and after gainer her composure Dora insisted that Susie and her finish atleast the burpee section of the workout. Well done Dora. Great courage and determination. You are a CrossFit Warrior!


5 sets Max height Box Jump, 2 reps
5 sets least broad jumps to cover length of gym (tally TOTAL jumps)
Max clapping push ups in 3mins
Max pull ups or muscle ups in 1min


max burpees in 3mins

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