Monday, November 8, 2010

WOD - 8/11/10

Me rowing in the final WOD at Wollongong Games Day



20mins to reach a max weight ground to overhead any how

500m row

1 comment:

  1. Did a 2.4km run today - as it was 2.4km day today. Did the first 800m run in around 5 minutes time. But dropped off in the second and third 800m. But I still managed to knock 35 seconds off my time taking it to 19:26. Really happy with this!

    Then came the ground to overhead, I really wanted to hit 70kg today. My previous PB was 68kg, I got 60kg up ok. I tried 65kg, was getting the cleans up but just couldn't get it in the rack, just wasn't feeling it tonight- don't know what happened!

    Then it was the rower- I've learnt from tonight- don't try rowing with a chest infection, it really slowed me down. I managed to do this row in sub 2 minutes - 1:58:8. Coming in 2nd place on the leader board!
