Hi Everyone
So I have decided to make some changes to my diet. I have been following Paleo 90% strict for the last 2 months and I have seen some changes, people have been saying they can see some changes.
I have had success with following Weight Watchers previously, I got down to 89kg, and I want to be able to reach my goals, and right now I sort of feel like I have hit a wall in terms of noticing changes on the scales. I mean Paleo is similar to WW. I was thinking that I will still track points during the day, but eat paleo based foods - so no yoghurt, wheat, bread, potato, rice, and stick mainly to protein , fruit and vege. Below is a photo of what I used to look like when I got down to 89kg
Some of the goals I want to achieve also:
1. Being able to do pullups without bands - I know this also hinges on me getting my weight down- which I am getting back under control, but I need to start doing pullups with the bands again
2. Improve my running- which I am working on, I just need to start pushing through the pain and not stopping
3. To be a viable contender at CF Sectionals in 2012
This is a blog dedicated to my WW journey and my journey of my training and nutrition
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
WOD- 29/10/10
Snatching in the final WOD at Crossfit Gold Coast- ended up coming in 2nd!! |
Back Squat 5-5-3-3-3 reps
*aim for max weight at set 4 and 5
For Time:
400M Run
50 Double Unders
400M Run
40 Double Unders
400M Run
30 Double Unders
400M Run
20 Double Unders
Thursday, October 28, 2010
WOD- 28/10/10
Being killed after WOD 1 at the Crossfit Gold Coast Games! |
21-18-15-12-9-6 and 3 rep rounds of:
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 35kg
Push jerk, 35kg
* These are proper push jerks. Do not do a fast push press/jerk where your knees are flexed at the top of the movement. Full hip, shoulder, knee extension.
500m row
15, 10, 5t
Toes to bar
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
WOD- 27/10/10
3 rounds
max handstand push ups
max strict press at 40% body weight
2min rest between rounds
3 rounds for time;
Toes to Bar, 20 reps
Push Ups, 20 reps
400m Run
Max Hollow rocks in 3mins
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
New PB's!!
Gemma and I going hard at Brookvale! |
Hey Guys
I'm so excited, we had 3 lifts tonight and I cracked PB's on all of them!
3RM Front Squat - Used to be 55kg, now 70kg!
3RM Power Clean - My 1RM used to be 60kg - now my 3RM is 60kg - Can't wait to see what my 1RM is!
1RM Deadlift - My old 1RM was 140kg - now its 145kg
I'm just so happy to see my lifts improving all the time, its an awesome feeling!!
WOD- 26/10/10
Monday, October 25, 2010
Preparing for a Crossfit Competition
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to be a canonical guide to competition preparation from someone who’s been there and done that. What you will find is my personal opinion about why I prepare the way I do and how it has treated me through the few low-level CrossFit competitions I have entered. However, I think this perspective is especially valuable to most CrossFitters, because it’s closer to the median than advice you’re likely to read from an elite finisher at the national CrossFit Games in Aromas, California. Feel free to disagree with me and post your thoughts below in the comments.
The most important thing you can do to prepare for an upcoming competition is to train hard every week in the many months prior to the competition. Sorry, there is no magic pill, and your performance at a competition is determined by the cumulative discipline and effort of the many months prior. At two weeks out from the competition your performance capability is almost fixed. At one week out, your performance capability is definitely fixed. There’s nothing you can do in the final week before a competition that will solicit a meaningful adaptation from your body. Workouts break us down. Rest brings on supercompensation, solidifying the adaptation we caused through the workout. It is imperative that you focus on ensuring your body is completely rested (adapted) from all your previous workouts when your competition begins. The only exception is skill-specific work like double-unders or muscle-ups, if the coordination component is your weakness. You can improve your coordination on a specific skill over the course of a few minutes on the morning of a competition. However, that’s the exception rather than the rule. The overall point is to train hard well before the competition, because by the time you start worrying about it, it doesn’t matter anymore.
With that said, there are plenty of ways to ensure you maximize your performance on any given day, especially with some advance notice and preparation. Your rest schedule in advance of the competition is critical. At one week out, more than ever before, you must believe that rest will benefit you more than additional workouts. At the risk of being repetitive: You cannot solicit a meaningful shock/recovery cycle from your body in a week. Any attempt to do so will leave you less prepared for the competition because your body will not be fully healed on the days you intend to stress it most. Louie Simmons says that someone who is afraid to rest in the days before a competition lacks confidence in their training. I agree. Here’s my training schedule from the three weeks before the recent 2010 Deep South Qualifier.

The third week prior to the event is a pretty normal week for me. I don’t usually have two consecutive weekends completely off, normally training on either Saturday or Sunday, but that’s how this series worked out. During the second week prior I began my tapering strategy at the end of the week, foregoing a double WOD. The final week before the competition was devoted to ensuring my body was completely recovered from previous WODs, but wouldn’t forget how to work hard. I also wanted it to retain neuro-muscular pathways (i.e. don’t forget the best way to squat, run, burpee, clean, etc). Monday’s prescribed WOD was a series of eight 400m sprints with 90 seconds rest between each. I did only four of the sprints, but at full intensity. On Tuesday I programmed a short-duration WOD that I attacked with full intensity: Fran with 24” box jumps subbed for pullups. Wednesday I completely rested. Thursday I did active rest. I rowed 2000 meters at a pace so relaxed that I easily carried on a conversation throughout the row. Then I performed two rounds at full intensity of 15 wall ball shots (20 lb), 10 pullups, and 5 burpees. I did not time the WOD, but estimate I worked for less than two minutes. I later ran about 1200 meters at a relaxed pace.
My intent was to work hard up to two weeks out, start tapering at the end of the second week prior to the competition, and devote the final week to a recovery plan with short WODs to keep neuromuscular pathways and remind my body of its need for endurance. I have read from Mark Rippetoe and Louie Simmons that you loose strength very slowly, but lose endurance very quickly. Strength building WODs also heavily break down your muscles. For those reasons, during the final week I performed no strength work, only short metcons and very light endurance work.
Finally, what should you do on game day? The best advice I received, and that I shall give again, is to not change a thing that you aren’t required to change. Eat what you always eat (assuming you follow a solid Paleo/Zone plan). Wear the shoes and clothes you always wear for WODs. If you always tape your wrists/knees then tape your wrists/knees. If you’ve never taped your wrists/knees, then now is not the day to start. Game day is not the day to begin anything new or try a new method. Do you use the hook grip? Keep using it. Never used the hook grip? Today isn’t the day to learn. If you follow a solid training/nutrition/rest plan then all you need to do to ensure your best performance is keep following that plan.

On game day I pack the same food I pack every week day for my meals. However, I have found that breaking the meals into smaller divisions is beneficial to accommodate the different schedule of the competition. I have also found that eating larger portions after WODs (as soon as practical after initial recovery) works well for keeping me nourished and repaired, but not leaving my stomach full when the next WOD rolls around. Hydration is also critical. Ensure you hydrate adequately in the day or two prior to the competition, and sip water continuously throughout the competition. You should have to urinate a lot during the competition. I generally make a pit stop about 20-30 minutes before my heat to ensure I don’t get the urge during the WOD. This also reduces my body weight by a few ounces. Sorry, I can’t help it. I’m an engineer.
Finally, don’t freak out. I know that’s easy to say and difficult to do, but seriously, what is there to worry about? As I said earlier, your level of performance is pretty much a given on the day of the competition. You can’t magically do something just a little different and become 20% stronger or faster, so relax. When I’m about to launch into a WOD I’m thinking, “It’s just another workout. Just do it like you’ve done all the others.” Important things make you nervous. They should, and they always will. You can’t avoid being nervous, but you can avoid completely flipping out and degrading your performance. You also can’t affect anyone else’s performance, so just give it everything you’ve got and see where the numbers fall. In sum: prepare, relax, perform. Do everything necessary to ensure you perform at your peak, but on game day it’s too late to worry about where your peak falls among the competition. Have fun, eliminate regrets, and then celebrate–regardless of where you finish.
The most important thing you can do to prepare for an upcoming competition is to train hard every week in the many months prior to the competition. Sorry, there is no magic pill, and your performance at a competition is determined by the cumulative discipline and effort of the many months prior. At two weeks out from the competition your performance capability is almost fixed. At one week out, your performance capability is definitely fixed. There’s nothing you can do in the final week before a competition that will solicit a meaningful adaptation from your body. Workouts break us down. Rest brings on supercompensation, solidifying the adaptation we caused through the workout. It is imperative that you focus on ensuring your body is completely rested (adapted) from all your previous workouts when your competition begins. The only exception is skill-specific work like double-unders or muscle-ups, if the coordination component is your weakness. You can improve your coordination on a specific skill over the course of a few minutes on the morning of a competition. However, that’s the exception rather than the rule. The overall point is to train hard well before the competition, because by the time you start worrying about it, it doesn’t matter anymore.
With that said, there are plenty of ways to ensure you maximize your performance on any given day, especially with some advance notice and preparation. Your rest schedule in advance of the competition is critical. At one week out, more than ever before, you must believe that rest will benefit you more than additional workouts. At the risk of being repetitive: You cannot solicit a meaningful shock/recovery cycle from your body in a week. Any attempt to do so will leave you less prepared for the competition because your body will not be fully healed on the days you intend to stress it most. Louie Simmons says that someone who is afraid to rest in the days before a competition lacks confidence in their training. I agree. Here’s my training schedule from the three weeks before the recent 2010 Deep South Qualifier.
The third week prior to the event is a pretty normal week for me. I don’t usually have two consecutive weekends completely off, normally training on either Saturday or Sunday, but that’s how this series worked out. During the second week prior I began my tapering strategy at the end of the week, foregoing a double WOD. The final week before the competition was devoted to ensuring my body was completely recovered from previous WODs, but wouldn’t forget how to work hard. I also wanted it to retain neuro-muscular pathways (i.e. don’t forget the best way to squat, run, burpee, clean, etc). Monday’s prescribed WOD was a series of eight 400m sprints with 90 seconds rest between each. I did only four of the sprints, but at full intensity. On Tuesday I programmed a short-duration WOD that I attacked with full intensity: Fran with 24” box jumps subbed for pullups. Wednesday I completely rested. Thursday I did active rest. I rowed 2000 meters at a pace so relaxed that I easily carried on a conversation throughout the row. Then I performed two rounds at full intensity of 15 wall ball shots (20 lb), 10 pullups, and 5 burpees. I did not time the WOD, but estimate I worked for less than two minutes. I later ran about 1200 meters at a relaxed pace.
My intent was to work hard up to two weeks out, start tapering at the end of the second week prior to the competition, and devote the final week to a recovery plan with short WODs to keep neuromuscular pathways and remind my body of its need for endurance. I have read from Mark Rippetoe and Louie Simmons that you loose strength very slowly, but lose endurance very quickly. Strength building WODs also heavily break down your muscles. For those reasons, during the final week I performed no strength work, only short metcons and very light endurance work.
Finally, what should you do on game day? The best advice I received, and that I shall give again, is to not change a thing that you aren’t required to change. Eat what you always eat (assuming you follow a solid Paleo/Zone plan). Wear the shoes and clothes you always wear for WODs. If you always tape your wrists/knees then tape your wrists/knees. If you’ve never taped your wrists/knees, then now is not the day to start. Game day is not the day to begin anything new or try a new method. Do you use the hook grip? Keep using it. Never used the hook grip? Today isn’t the day to learn. If you follow a solid training/nutrition/rest plan then all you need to do to ensure your best performance is keep following that plan.
On game day I pack the same food I pack every week day for my meals. However, I have found that breaking the meals into smaller divisions is beneficial to accommodate the different schedule of the competition. I have also found that eating larger portions after WODs (as soon as practical after initial recovery) works well for keeping me nourished and repaired, but not leaving my stomach full when the next WOD rolls around. Hydration is also critical. Ensure you hydrate adequately in the day or two prior to the competition, and sip water continuously throughout the competition. You should have to urinate a lot during the competition. I generally make a pit stop about 20-30 minutes before my heat to ensure I don’t get the urge during the WOD. This also reduces my body weight by a few ounces. Sorry, I can’t help it. I’m an engineer.
Finally, don’t freak out. I know that’s easy to say and difficult to do, but seriously, what is there to worry about? As I said earlier, your level of performance is pretty much a given on the day of the competition. You can’t magically do something just a little different and become 20% stronger or faster, so relax. When I’m about to launch into a WOD I’m thinking, “It’s just another workout. Just do it like you’ve done all the others.” Important things make you nervous. They should, and they always will. You can’t avoid being nervous, but you can avoid completely flipping out and degrading your performance. You also can’t affect anyone else’s performance, so just give it everything you’ve got and see where the numbers fall. In sum: prepare, relax, perform. Do everything necessary to ensure you perform at your peak, but on game day it’s too late to worry about where your peak falls among the competition. Have fun, eliminate regrets, and then celebrate–regardless of where you finish.
Light Week
Hi Everyone
This month has been a very intense, not just at the box training, but in other areas of my life, I'm feeling a bit run down, tired, not sleeping and also not recovering very well from our intense training that we do at Crossfit.
This week is going to be a rest week for me, the only training I'm planning to do (if any will be swimming) - to help to take the pressure off the knee - as on Saturday I could barely squat or walk on it.
This week will be focused on recovering my body and mind, so that I can come back to the box next week more driven, motivated and be ready to tackle the WOD's with everything I have and not give it a half hearted effort, otherwise there's no point in doing it!
Exercise this week: Swimming
Mental: Get the motivation and all the personal things sorted out
Recovery: Try some contrast baths to get rid of DOMS- also some swimming will help with that.
I will still be posting the WODs up - so feel free to comment :)
WOD- 25/10/10
Daz Mid Burpee Pullup at CF Wollongong Games |
Part A
"Test 3"
Tabata Squat
Max reps of Muscle-ups in 4 minutes
The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals. Tabata score is the least number of reps performed in any of the eight intervals. Begin time for muscle-ups immediately after the last 10 second rest interval. Test score equals Tabata score multiplied by number of muscle-ups completed.
Part B
one round of max burpees pull ups in 8 minutes
800m run followed by max burpee pull ups
8 minutes is from the start of the run
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Sundays Breakfast Ideas
Morning Everyone
So I know sometimes some of us struggle for breakfast ideas- we usually stick to the processed foods of ceral, wheat and bread. Here's some good ideas to get us started
Serves 1
2 poached eggs
40g shaved chicken or turkey
4-5 mushrooms
1 roma tomato
1 cup spinach
¼ avocado
Boil water in a pot for the poached eggs. Heat a non stick pan to medium heat. Cut the tomato in half, dice the mushrooms into chunky pieces. Lightly spray the pan with olive oil spray. Heat the tomato and mushroom up in pan. Put spinach in a microwave safe container and heat for 45-60secs until cooked. Poach the eggs. Place all the ingredients on a plate. Enjoy this healthy version of “big breakfast”
So I know sometimes some of us struggle for breakfast ideas- we usually stick to the processed foods of ceral, wheat and bread. Here's some good ideas to get us started
Serves 1
2 poached eggs
40g shaved chicken or turkey
4-5 mushrooms
1 roma tomato
1 cup spinach
¼ avocado
Boil water in a pot for the poached eggs. Heat a non stick pan to medium heat. Cut the tomato in half, dice the mushrooms into chunky pieces. Lightly spray the pan with olive oil spray. Heat the tomato and mushroom up in pan. Put spinach in a microwave safe container and heat for 45-60secs until cooked. Poach the eggs. Place all the ingredients on a plate. Enjoy this healthy version of “big breakfast”
Saturday, October 23, 2010
WOD- 23/10/10
My version of a burpee! |
In teams of 4. 40min time limit.
Carry 3 med balls (9kg) 800m (staying together)
Complete 100 overhead squats (2 people working at one time 50/35)
Complete 200 thrusters (2 people working at one time 30/20)
Complete 300 sumodeadlift highpulls (2 people working at one time 24/16kg kettlebells)
In the time that remains perform as many rounds of Cindy as possible
Your score is the teams combined rounds of Cindy
Friday, October 22, 2010
WOD- 22/10/10
max in 3mins
Pull-ups (not Butterfly)
Double under
400m Run
Handstand walk practise 5mins
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Improvements in Body Image
Hey Everyone
Only a short post today, as some of you know some people have been giving me grief saying that instead of slimming down all the lifting is bulking me up. Would really love your opinion on this. Have a look at the below photo and tell me what you think:
Only a short post today, as some of you know some people have been giving me grief saying that instead of slimming down all the lifting is bulking me up. Would really love your opinion on this. Have a look at the below photo and tell me what you think:
WOD- 21/10/10
2, 25m sprints a minute for 5mins (10 Sprints)
Overhead Squat @ 60kg
Power Snatch @ 60kg
4 rounds;
10 Floor wipers
10 Toes to Bar
10 Free standing Handstand attempts
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Long Distance Running VS Sprints
Hey Guys
So as most of you know I have been doing 2x2.4km runs at Norwest for around 5 weeks and my time has dropped from 26minutes something to 19:58 (my best time).
I need to be able to do the 2.4km in under 15 minutes in order to pass my fitness test next year which is why Rob has got me running now. However there is also the possibility that I have to do the Beep Test instead of the 2.4km run, but I haven't been doing any sprints at all, just been concentrating on the longer distance (well 2.4km is a longer distance for me!!) I plan on talking to Rob about this tomorrow or Friday, but do you guys think I should be including some sprints into my training for the beep test or would long distance running suffice?
So as most of you know I have been doing 2x2.4km runs at Norwest for around 5 weeks and my time has dropped from 26minutes something to 19:58 (my best time).
I need to be able to do the 2.4km in under 15 minutes in order to pass my fitness test next year which is why Rob has got me running now. However there is also the possibility that I have to do the Beep Test instead of the 2.4km run, but I haven't been doing any sprints at all, just been concentrating on the longer distance (well 2.4km is a longer distance for me!!) I plan on talking to Rob about this tomorrow or Friday, but do you guys think I should be including some sprints into my training for the beep test or would long distance running suffice?
365 Positive Phrases Part 2
Some more positive phrases to keep us positive people happy and focuses
"You develop a habit through repetition"
"For every minute you're angry you lose 60 seconds of happiness"
"Things turn out best for people who make the best out of the way things turn out"
"Your work is a portrait of yourself"
"It's a funny thing about life - if you refuse to accept anything but the best you very often get it"
"You have 3 names - the name you inherit, the name your parents gave you and the name you make for yourself"
"The secret of happiness is not in doing one likes but in liking what one does"
"Appreciation makes most people feel better than almost anything"
"You cannot live on hope alone nor can you live without it"
"You are what you make of yourself"
"No matter how far you have gone on the wrong road you can always turn back"
"To forgive and forget is far better than to resent and remember"
"Tomorrow is not promised to us, so take today and make the most of it"
"Be kind to unkind people - they need it most"
"You can give without loving, but you can't love without giving"
"Rejoice in others successes knowing there is plenty for us all"
"Failure is success if we learn from it"
"Always speak the truth and you'll never be concerned with your memory'
"Well begun is half done"
"Character is like the foundation of a house, it is below the surface"
"You are as successful as you make up your mind to be"
"Take the time to laugh, it is music for the soul"
"Do what is right, rather than what is popular"
"Happiness - you carry it with your or you find it not"
"A misty morning does not signify a cloudy day"
"Your preparation of today determines your achievement of tomorrow"
"The best way to escape a problem is to solve it"
"Begin as you intend to continue"
"The courage to speak must be matched by wisdom to listen"
"Whatever you look for - that's what you'll find"
"You are as happy as you make your mind to be"
The only limits we have are those we impose on ourselves"
"It's not what you get that makes you valuable, it's what you become along the way"
"We teach best what we once needed most"
"Many people go far in life because someone else thought they could"
"For you to get more, you must become more"
"Be loyal to those not in your presence"
"Become the kind of person you're proud of"
"A smile has immense face value"
"Progress is not without its price"
"We must take full reponsibility for what happens to us"
"Change your thoughts and you change your world"
"People around all the time need constant deposit of praise"
"You must plant the seed first before you reap harvest"
"You become part of what you are around"
"When you seek revenge dig graves, one for yourself and one for your enemy"
"The more you use the brain, the more cells multiply"
"The burning desire to win is essential to success"
"Without action there are no results"
"Very often a change of self is needed more than a change of scene"
"No success is ever final"
"Your life either a warning or an example"
"The best way to make your dreams come true is wake up"
"Be your own best cheer leader"
"Make the changes that will make the difference"
"What are you going to do starting today that is going to make a difference to your life?
"Banish doubt, life is an attitude"
"Unless you start doing something different you are in for more of the same"
"You have to see the finish line when you are running the race"
"Nothing holds greater powers over the body than the beliefs held in the mind"
"You are a human magnet and you attract that which goes on in your heart and soul"
"The people who are lifting the world upward and onward are those who encourage more than criticise"
"It is important not to ignore the symptoms"
"You can't do everything at once - but you can do something at once"
"Unless you have a vision and a mountain to climb the spirit will die"
"No-one is self made, we all owe our advancements and accomplishments to someone or something"
"You can only earn more by producing more"
"If you want things to go your way, go after them"
"We are the sum total of our actions"
"You don't ever have to be the same again after today, only by choice"
"The definition of insanity is doing this week, what you did last week expecting different results"
"You are the caretaker of your own body"
"Problems are the opportunities for growth"
"Age may wrinkle the face, but lack of enthusiasm will wrinkle the soul"
"You cannot be hoping without acting and wishing without doing"
"Doing less than you can is beginning of erosion"
"What you are becoming is more important than what you are getting"
"Of all the things you wear, your expression is the most important"
"People can change by altering their attitudes"
"Your body is the baggage you must carry through life, the more excess the baggage the shorter the trip"
"Success comes in cans, failure comes in can'ts
"Take care of your reputation- its you're most valuable asset"
"Focus on making things better not bigger
"You never get a second chance to make a first impression"
"Don't use time or words carelessly. Neither can be retrieved"
"Never give up on anybody. Miracles happens everyday"
"Become the most positive enthusiastic person you know"
"Persistence is behind every success"
"Things do not change- we change"
"Nothing is so exhausting as indecision and nothing is so futile"
"Victory belongs to the most persevering"
"The shortest way to do many things is to don only one thing at a time"
"Don't be afraid to take a big step, you can't cross a chasm in 2 small jumps"
"Happiness is not the absence of problems, but the ability to deal with them"
"The first step is always the hardest"
"Its not how much we have but how much we enjoy what we have that makes happiness"
"Very little is need to make a happy life it is all within yourself
"Life is full of choices"
Happiness is not something you postpone for the future, it is something you design for the present"
"In an argument the best weapon to hold is in the tongue"
"You are never given a dream without also give the power to make it come true"
"The thing to try when all else fails is again"
"When you believe you can, you can"
"If you cannot find happiness along the round, you will not find it at the end of the road"
"Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom"
"Take care of your body, it's the only place you have to live"
"You can't strengthen the weak by weakening the strong"
"If you don't do the work, you don't get the benefits"
"Enthusiasm is contagious- start an epidemic"
"Never let yesterday take up too much of today"
"You never learn to live right until we learn to think right"
"Its not how you begin, it's how you finish the race that matters"
"A man is not finished when he's defeated, he's finished when he quits"
"Footprints on the sands of time are not made by sitting down"
"Success is very often failure with a new coat of paint"
"No person has every gone blind looking on the bright side of life"
"Success is a journey, not a destination"
"There is no right way to do the wrong thing"
"Do not let what you cannot do interefere with what you can do"
"You have to get up every morning with determination if you're going to go to bed with satisfaction"
The most important person to be honest with yourself"
"Mistakes are stepping stones for success"
"You might have to fight a battle more than once to win it
"A great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do"
"You develop a habit through repetition"
"For every minute you're angry you lose 60 seconds of happiness"
"Things turn out best for people who make the best out of the way things turn out"
"Your work is a portrait of yourself"
"It's a funny thing about life - if you refuse to accept anything but the best you very often get it"
"You have 3 names - the name you inherit, the name your parents gave you and the name you make for yourself"
"The secret of happiness is not in doing one likes but in liking what one does"
"Appreciation makes most people feel better than almost anything"
"You cannot live on hope alone nor can you live without it"
"You are what you make of yourself"
"No matter how far you have gone on the wrong road you can always turn back"
"To forgive and forget is far better than to resent and remember"
"Tomorrow is not promised to us, so take today and make the most of it"
"Be kind to unkind people - they need it most"
"You can give without loving, but you can't love without giving"
"Rejoice in others successes knowing there is plenty for us all"
"Failure is success if we learn from it"
"Always speak the truth and you'll never be concerned with your memory'
"Well begun is half done"
"Character is like the foundation of a house, it is below the surface"
"You are as successful as you make up your mind to be"
"Take the time to laugh, it is music for the soul"
"Do what is right, rather than what is popular"
"Happiness - you carry it with your or you find it not"
"A misty morning does not signify a cloudy day"
"Your preparation of today determines your achievement of tomorrow"
"The best way to escape a problem is to solve it"
"Begin as you intend to continue"
"The courage to speak must be matched by wisdom to listen"
"Whatever you look for - that's what you'll find"
"You are as happy as you make your mind to be"
The only limits we have are those we impose on ourselves"
"It's not what you get that makes you valuable, it's what you become along the way"
"We teach best what we once needed most"
"Many people go far in life because someone else thought they could"
"For you to get more, you must become more"
"Be loyal to those not in your presence"
"Become the kind of person you're proud of"
"A smile has immense face value"
"Progress is not without its price"
"We must take full reponsibility for what happens to us"
"Change your thoughts and you change your world"
"People around all the time need constant deposit of praise"
"You must plant the seed first before you reap harvest"
"You become part of what you are around"
"When you seek revenge dig graves, one for yourself and one for your enemy"
"The more you use the brain, the more cells multiply"
"The burning desire to win is essential to success"
"Without action there are no results"
"Very often a change of self is needed more than a change of scene"
"No success is ever final"
"Your life either a warning or an example"
"The best way to make your dreams come true is wake up"
"Be your own best cheer leader"
"Make the changes that will make the difference"
"What are you going to do starting today that is going to make a difference to your life?
"Banish doubt, life is an attitude"
"Unless you start doing something different you are in for more of the same"
"You have to see the finish line when you are running the race"
"Nothing holds greater powers over the body than the beliefs held in the mind"
"You are a human magnet and you attract that which goes on in your heart and soul"
"The people who are lifting the world upward and onward are those who encourage more than criticise"
"It is important not to ignore the symptoms"
"You can't do everything at once - but you can do something at once"
"Unless you have a vision and a mountain to climb the spirit will die"
"No-one is self made, we all owe our advancements and accomplishments to someone or something"
"You can only earn more by producing more"
"If you want things to go your way, go after them"
"We are the sum total of our actions"
"You don't ever have to be the same again after today, only by choice"
"The definition of insanity is doing this week, what you did last week expecting different results"
"You are the caretaker of your own body"
"Problems are the opportunities for growth"
"Age may wrinkle the face, but lack of enthusiasm will wrinkle the soul"
"You cannot be hoping without acting and wishing without doing"
"Doing less than you can is beginning of erosion"
"What you are becoming is more important than what you are getting"
"Of all the things you wear, your expression is the most important"
"People can change by altering their attitudes"
"Your body is the baggage you must carry through life, the more excess the baggage the shorter the trip"
"Success comes in cans, failure comes in can'ts
"Take care of your reputation- its you're most valuable asset"
"Focus on making things better not bigger
"You never get a second chance to make a first impression"
"Don't use time or words carelessly. Neither can be retrieved"
"Never give up on anybody. Miracles happens everyday"
"Become the most positive enthusiastic person you know"
"Persistence is behind every success"
"Things do not change- we change"
"Nothing is so exhausting as indecision and nothing is so futile"
"Victory belongs to the most persevering"
"The shortest way to do many things is to don only one thing at a time"
"Don't be afraid to take a big step, you can't cross a chasm in 2 small jumps"
"Happiness is not the absence of problems, but the ability to deal with them"
"The first step is always the hardest"
"Its not how much we have but how much we enjoy what we have that makes happiness"
"Very little is need to make a happy life it is all within yourself
"Life is full of choices"
Happiness is not something you postpone for the future, it is something you design for the present"
"In an argument the best weapon to hold is in the tongue"
"You are never given a dream without also give the power to make it come true"
"The thing to try when all else fails is again"
"When you believe you can, you can"
"If you cannot find happiness along the round, you will not find it at the end of the road"
"Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom"
"Take care of your body, it's the only place you have to live"
"You can't strengthen the weak by weakening the strong"
"If you don't do the work, you don't get the benefits"
"Enthusiasm is contagious- start an epidemic"
"Never let yesterday take up too much of today"
"You never learn to live right until we learn to think right"
"Its not how you begin, it's how you finish the race that matters"
"A man is not finished when he's defeated, he's finished when he quits"
"Footprints on the sands of time are not made by sitting down"
"Success is very often failure with a new coat of paint"
"No person has every gone blind looking on the bright side of life"
"Success is a journey, not a destination"
"There is no right way to do the wrong thing"
"Do not let what you cannot do interefere with what you can do"
"You have to get up every morning with determination if you're going to go to bed with satisfaction"
The most important person to be honest with yourself"
"Mistakes are stepping stones for success"
"You might have to fight a battle more than once to win it
"A great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do"
365 Positive Words Part 1
365 Positive Words Part 1
Some positive phrases to set positive wheels in motion PART 1
"No matter what my past has been I can always begin anew"
"It is easier to drift then climb"
"The happiest people are the busiest people"
"Never underestimate the power of influence"
"If you send out negative thoughts you attract negative results"
"Why not go out on a limb? Isn't that where the fruit is?
"If you want to be successful get around successful people"
"Don't just go through the day-get from the day"
"Study all the consequences all the time"
"After you've worked hard to get what you want, take the time to enjoy it"
"What a person does, tells us what they are"
"You are today what you have consented to be"
"We are the creators of our own surroundings"
"Our world conforms to our expectations of it"
"We get back from our world what we expect from it"
Co-operation is a priceless value - you must give it to get it"
"It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan"
"Day by day in every way I'm getting better and better"
"No contribution - no reward"
"The last key in the bunch is often the one to open the lock"
"As you think so shall you become"
"You have the power to change"
"The courage to risk and the expectation to win is a wonderful combination"
"Youa successful the moment you start moving towards a worthwhile goal"
"Your mind is like a parachute, it must be open to function"
"Coming together is the beginning. Keeping together is process. Working together is success"
"You can have everything in life you want, if you help enough people get what they want"
"An error gracefully acknowledged is a victory won"
"One person can make a difference and every person should try"
"People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care"
"It's a funny thing about life. If you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it"
"Look at things not just as they are but as they can be"
"The human mind, once stretched by a new idea, never returns to its original state"
"Never let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do"
"Not one of us is as good as all of us"
"Four things never come back - a spent arrow, a spoken word, a past life and a wasted opportunity"
"Our words are in direct proportion to our contribution"
"Its not what happens to you that matters, its what you do about what happens that matters"
"Plan ahead, it wasn't raining, when Noah built the ark"
"Two men looked through the prison bars - one saw the mud and the other saw the stars"
"If you worry about yesterday's failures, then today's successes will be few"
"You can't build a reputation on things you are going to do"
"Worry is like a rocking chair - it will give you something to do, but it will get you nowhere"
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent"
What the mind of man can perceive and believe he can achieve"
"The hand that gives always gathers"
"It 's better to sleep on what you intend doing, than stay awake over what you have done"
"Loving will never empty your heart and giving will never empty your pocket"
"The greatest mistake we could ever make is bask to long in our accomplishments"
"There is so such thing as getting without giving"
"Who you are speaks so loudly. I cannot hear a word you say"
"You move towards the picture you create of yourself"
"You should work today as though everything depends on you"
"Every job is a self portrait of the person who did it- autograph your work with excellence"
"We become what we think about"
"People who never do any more than they get paid for, never get paid for anymore than they do"
"Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, either way you're right"
"The hardest things in life to learn are which bridges to cross and which ones to burn"
"You have to be a contributor to be a receiver"
"Gather up the past and invest it in the future"
"You must look for the opportunity in every situation"
"The greatest value in life is not what you get - the greatest value is what you become"
"We are what we repeatedly do"
"What you perceive you will achieve if you believe"
"For things to change, you have to change"
"Determination determines outcome"
"Everyday is a gift to be enjoyed not a sentence to be endured"
"You must have the courage to risk and the expectation to win"
"All problems become smaller if you don't dodge them but confront them"
" Some people have learnt to learn well, but they haven't learnt to live well"
"Don't expect people to listen to your advice and ignore your example"
"Everything you do must benefit everyone whom it affects"
"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail"
"Life is like a boomerang - what you give out comes back only multiplied"
"One week of neglect could mean one month of repair"
"The four most important words are - What is your opinion"
"Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves"
"Tact will take a person further than cleverness"
"Success is getting what you want - happiness is wanting what you get"
"Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today"
"Work harder on yourself than you do on the job - both you and the job will benefit"
"If it is to be, its up to me"
"Persistence prevails when all else fails"
"Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows"
"No one can predict to what heights you can soar - even you will not know until you spread your wings"
"You cannot discover new oceans unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore"
"Attitude is a little thing that makes a big different"
"The race is not always to the swift...but to those who keep on running"
"Some people dream of worthy accomplishments while others stay awake and do them"
"The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength but rather a lack of will"
"I cannot change yesterday, I can make the most of today and look with hope towards tomorrow"
"It takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow"
"We make a living by what we get - we make a life by what we give"
"Some succeed because they are destined to. Most succeed because the are determined to"
"We cannot direct the wind but we can adjust the sails"
"You never fail until you stop trying"
"Without challenge there is no achievement"
"Believe and succeed"
"Make it happen"
"The greatest thing in the word is not so much where we are - but in what direction we are moving"
"If you fail to plan - you can plan to fail"
TEAM - TogetherEveryoneAccomplishesMore
"Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration"
"Success is getting up one more time than you fall"
"The mouth speaks what the heart is full of"
"Life is like a sandwhich - the more you add to it the better it becomes"
"Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off your goals"
"You judge a tree by the fruit it bears"
"You can't climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pockets"
"Even if your on the right track you will get run over if you just sit there"
"The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty"
"If at first you don't succeed - try, try, try again"
"One rule broken weakens all the rest"
"United we stand - divided we fall"
"The art of being wise the art of knowing what to overlook"
"Never ignore a gut feeling, but never believe that its enough"
"What lies behind us and what lies before us is insignificant to what lies within us"
"In the waste is better than on the waist"
"Don't find faulty, find remedy"
"People have a way of becoming what you encourage them to be- not what you nag them to be"
"Do something for somebody everyday for which you do not get paid"
"Tell me and I'll forget, show me and I'll remember, involve me and I'll understand"
"The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary"
"A diamond is a chunk of coal made under good pressure"
"Nothing will change unless you do"
"A quitter never wins and a winner never quits"
"The goals you set are the goals you get"
"Patience, perseverance and will power is the key to success"
"Your health is your wealth"
"You never know what lies ahead if you keep on looking back"
"The message that goes into the ear comes out in your life"
"The optimist sees the doughnut, the pessimist sees the hole"
"What you eat in private shows in public"
"Refrain from envy. It's the source of much unhappiness"
"Don't be foolish, please be wise, get up, get going and exercise"
"Life is like a grindstone - whether it grinds a man up or down or polishes him up depends on the material he's made from"
"Do unto others tho' you were the others"
"Worry is like a baby - the longer you nurse it the bigger it gets"
"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm"
"The road to success has few travellers, because so many get lost trying to find short cuts"
"Spend less time worrying who is right and more time deciding what is right"
"In seeking happiness for others, you find it in yourself"
"A man without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder"
"If you have enough reasons you can do incredible things"
"Destiny is not a matter of chance, it's a matter of choice"
"Success doesn't come to you, you go to it"
"Fine thoughts are commendable, but without deeds they are useless"
"As you sow, so shall you reap"
"He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often and loved much"
"Let each day be your masterpiece"
"Make the mistakes of yesterday your lessons for today"
"Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go"
"Blessed are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting"
"When you cease to make a contribution, you begin to die"
"Keep yourself clean and bright because you are the window through which you must see the world"
"Do not procrastinate. Do what needs doing when it needs to be done"
"Don't ask others to do what you are not willing to do yourself"
"The only thing that comes easily is failure"
"All accomplishment comes from daring to begin"
"You need courage, faith and perserverance to survive"
"You don't get more by demand, you get more by performance"
"You can do it if you believe you can"
"Put more of you into everything you do"
"You cannot succeed by yourself"
"Get back to basics and make excellence the result"
"This week let's do something remarkable"
"Touch a life and leave it better than you found it"
"Add a little to a little and soon the little will become great"
"The sooner you exert the discipline, the sooner you will be enjoying the results"
"Your attitude is everything"
"Success is a team effort"
"Don't be selfish -succeed - the world needs you"
"You must live the life you teach"
"Focus on where you are going"
"Look carefully at the closest associations in your life, for that is the direction you are heading"
"When you set a timetable you turn your intentions into commitment"
"Its not important how long you live, what is important is how you live"
"Complaining is a devastating disease"
"The more you give of that which is good and desirable the more you get"
"Every business is an extended shadow of the person at the top"
"No matter what my past has been I can always begin anew"
"It is easier to drift then climb"
"The happiest people are the busiest people"
"Never underestimate the power of influence"
"If you send out negative thoughts you attract negative results"
"Why not go out on a limb? Isn't that where the fruit is?
"If you want to be successful get around successful people"
"Don't just go through the day-get from the day"
"Study all the consequences all the time"
"After you've worked hard to get what you want, take the time to enjoy it"
"What a person does, tells us what they are"
"You are today what you have consented to be"
"We are the creators of our own surroundings"
"Our world conforms to our expectations of it"
"We get back from our world what we expect from it"
Co-operation is a priceless value - you must give it to get it"
"It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan"
"Day by day in every way I'm getting better and better"
"No contribution - no reward"
"The last key in the bunch is often the one to open the lock"
"As you think so shall you become"
"You have the power to change"
"The courage to risk and the expectation to win is a wonderful combination"
"Youa successful the moment you start moving towards a worthwhile goal"
"Your mind is like a parachute, it must be open to function"
"Coming together is the beginning. Keeping together is process. Working together is success"
"You can have everything in life you want, if you help enough people get what they want"
"An error gracefully acknowledged is a victory won"
"One person can make a difference and every person should try"
"People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care"
"It's a funny thing about life. If you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it"
"Look at things not just as they are but as they can be"
"The human mind, once stretched by a new idea, never returns to its original state"
"Never let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do"
"Not one of us is as good as all of us"
"Four things never come back - a spent arrow, a spoken word, a past life and a wasted opportunity"
"Our words are in direct proportion to our contribution"
"Its not what happens to you that matters, its what you do about what happens that matters"
"Plan ahead, it wasn't raining, when Noah built the ark"
"Two men looked through the prison bars - one saw the mud and the other saw the stars"
"If you worry about yesterday's failures, then today's successes will be few"
"You can't build a reputation on things you are going to do"
"Worry is like a rocking chair - it will give you something to do, but it will get you nowhere"
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent"
What the mind of man can perceive and believe he can achieve"
"The hand that gives always gathers"
"It 's better to sleep on what you intend doing, than stay awake over what you have done"
"Loving will never empty your heart and giving will never empty your pocket"
"The greatest mistake we could ever make is bask to long in our accomplishments"
"There is so such thing as getting without giving"
"Who you are speaks so loudly. I cannot hear a word you say"
"You move towards the picture you create of yourself"
"You should work today as though everything depends on you"
"Every job is a self portrait of the person who did it- autograph your work with excellence"
"We become what we think about"
"People who never do any more than they get paid for, never get paid for anymore than they do"
"Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, either way you're right"
"The hardest things in life to learn are which bridges to cross and which ones to burn"
"You have to be a contributor to be a receiver"
"Gather up the past and invest it in the future"
"You must look for the opportunity in every situation"
"The greatest value in life is not what you get - the greatest value is what you become"
"We are what we repeatedly do"
"What you perceive you will achieve if you believe"
"For things to change, you have to change"
"Determination determines outcome"
"Everyday is a gift to be enjoyed not a sentence to be endured"
"You must have the courage to risk and the expectation to win"
"All problems become smaller if you don't dodge them but confront them"
" Some people have learnt to learn well, but they haven't learnt to live well"
"Don't expect people to listen to your advice and ignore your example"
"Everything you do must benefit everyone whom it affects"
"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail"
"Life is like a boomerang - what you give out comes back only multiplied"
"One week of neglect could mean one month of repair"
"The four most important words are - What is your opinion"
"Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves"
"Tact will take a person further than cleverness"
"Success is getting what you want - happiness is wanting what you get"
"Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today"
"Work harder on yourself than you do on the job - both you and the job will benefit"
"If it is to be, its up to me"
"Persistence prevails when all else fails"
"Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows"
"No one can predict to what heights you can soar - even you will not know until you spread your wings"
"You cannot discover new oceans unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore"
"Attitude is a little thing that makes a big different"
"The race is not always to the swift...but to those who keep on running"
"Some people dream of worthy accomplishments while others stay awake and do them"
"The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength but rather a lack of will"
"I cannot change yesterday, I can make the most of today and look with hope towards tomorrow"
"It takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow"
"We make a living by what we get - we make a life by what we give"
"Some succeed because they are destined to. Most succeed because the are determined to"
"We cannot direct the wind but we can adjust the sails"
"You never fail until you stop trying"
"Without challenge there is no achievement"
"Believe and succeed"
"Make it happen"
"The greatest thing in the word is not so much where we are - but in what direction we are moving"
"If you fail to plan - you can plan to fail"
TEAM - TogetherEveryoneAccomplishesMore
"Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration"
"Success is getting up one more time than you fall"
"The mouth speaks what the heart is full of"
"Life is like a sandwhich - the more you add to it the better it becomes"
"Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off your goals"
"You judge a tree by the fruit it bears"
"You can't climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pockets"
"Even if your on the right track you will get run over if you just sit there"
"The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty"
"If at first you don't succeed - try, try, try again"
"One rule broken weakens all the rest"
"United we stand - divided we fall"
"The art of being wise the art of knowing what to overlook"
"Never ignore a gut feeling, but never believe that its enough"
"What lies behind us and what lies before us is insignificant to what lies within us"
"In the waste is better than on the waist"
"Don't find faulty, find remedy"
"People have a way of becoming what you encourage them to be- not what you nag them to be"
"Do something for somebody everyday for which you do not get paid"
"Tell me and I'll forget, show me and I'll remember, involve me and I'll understand"
"The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary"
"A diamond is a chunk of coal made under good pressure"
"Nothing will change unless you do"
"A quitter never wins and a winner never quits"
"The goals you set are the goals you get"
"Patience, perseverance and will power is the key to success"
"Your health is your wealth"
"You never know what lies ahead if you keep on looking back"
"The message that goes into the ear comes out in your life"
"The optimist sees the doughnut, the pessimist sees the hole"
"What you eat in private shows in public"
"Refrain from envy. It's the source of much unhappiness"
"Don't be foolish, please be wise, get up, get going and exercise"
"Life is like a grindstone - whether it grinds a man up or down or polishes him up depends on the material he's made from"
"Do unto others tho' you were the others"
"Worry is like a baby - the longer you nurse it the bigger it gets"
"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm"
"The road to success has few travellers, because so many get lost trying to find short cuts"
"Spend less time worrying who is right and more time deciding what is right"
"In seeking happiness for others, you find it in yourself"
"A man without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder"
"If you have enough reasons you can do incredible things"
"Destiny is not a matter of chance, it's a matter of choice"
"Success doesn't come to you, you go to it"
"Fine thoughts are commendable, but without deeds they are useless"
"As you sow, so shall you reap"
"He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often and loved much"
"Let each day be your masterpiece"
"Make the mistakes of yesterday your lessons for today"
"Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go"
"Blessed are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting"
"When you cease to make a contribution, you begin to die"
"Keep yourself clean and bright because you are the window through which you must see the world"
"Do not procrastinate. Do what needs doing when it needs to be done"
"Don't ask others to do what you are not willing to do yourself"
"The only thing that comes easily is failure"
"All accomplishment comes from daring to begin"
"You need courage, faith and perserverance to survive"
"You don't get more by demand, you get more by performance"
"You can do it if you believe you can"
"Put more of you into everything you do"
"You cannot succeed by yourself"
"Get back to basics and make excellence the result"
"This week let's do something remarkable"
"Touch a life and leave it better than you found it"
"Add a little to a little and soon the little will become great"
"The sooner you exert the discipline, the sooner you will be enjoying the results"
"Your attitude is everything"
"Success is a team effort"
"Don't be selfish -succeed - the world needs you"
"You must live the life you teach"
"Focus on where you are going"
"Look carefully at the closest associations in your life, for that is the direction you are heading"
"When you set a timetable you turn your intentions into commitment"
"Its not important how long you live, what is important is how you live"
"Complaining is a devastating disease"
"The more you give of that which is good and desirable the more you get"
"Every business is an extended shadow of the person at the top"
WOD- 20/10/10
Doing deadlifts in WOD 1 at Crossfit Wollongong |
10-8-6 reps
Thruster @ 60kg
KBS @ 32kg
Ring dips
Team really teams of 3 or more cover 2km on the rower. Each member must row atleast 500m
after 2km row perform as many burpees as possible as a team combine. All members working at one time. Total reps will be divided by the number of individuals in the team.
Time limit 9mins
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
WOD - 19/10/10
5 rounds for time with a 7 minute time limit:
200m Run
10 Push Jerks 40/30kg
5 Burpees
rest 3mins
3 rounds for time with a 5 minute time limit:
200m Run
5 Push Jerks 50/35kg
7 Burpees
rest 3mins
1 round for time with a 3 minute time limit:
200m Run
3 Push Jerks 70kg (45kg)
10 Burpees
Monday, October 18, 2010
Women, Crossfit and Myths Part 2
Women will not get big bulky muscles because they just plain don’t have the hormones to build them. It is the difference in the hormonal profile between men and women that causes their performances to also be different. There are several aspects of a woman’s performance that will different from those of a man, all of which depend on neuromuscular efficiency, and all of which are a direct result of lower testosterone levels and the effects that testosterone has on motor unit recruitment, central nervous system excitation and other neuromuscular factors.
You might now be thinking that because there are such big differences, then it must be true what the fitness industry says about the necessity of gender specific programs and exercises. This could not be further from the truth. Women may lack higher levels of testosterone, but we are built the same when you look at our body structures. We are not as different as bunnies and fish. Men and Women, however, both recruit motor units into the same patterns to cause muscle contractions…..just to different degrees. A real world example would be that physiologically, Aaron Rogers and your grandmother operate the same way, in the same sense that Labradors and Toy Poodles are both dogs.
What does this all mean? That the type of stress (i.e. training / heavy strength) will cause the best results in both men and women, only the degree of results will vary. For example, Squats work better for everybody than leg extensions, leg curls, and the Bun Blasters because of the quality of stress they produce. “Squats are performed with the same muscles by everybody, they are hard for everybody, hard enough to produce system-wide stress for everybody – and this is why they work for everybody. Men are more efficient at responding to the stress of squats in terms of elevated testosterone levels, and in this respect men can get stronger and bigger faster.” (Rippetoe) What this doesn’t mean is that women are not served well by using “less efficient” ways to produce stress on their bodies. We just wont get as strong or big as men. J
So what should we do ladies? We need to be doing barbell exercises that demand strength, balance, power, coordination, and mental focus to produce a type of stress and adaptation that is superior to either low-intensity floor exercise (or walking on the treadmill) or isolation type machine exercises (i.e. bicep curls, leg extensions). It is the stress that causes the adaptation, and the quality of the adaptation is dependent on the quality of the stress. For example, an exercise that does not involve balance cannot cause an improvement in balance. The stress on the body must target the parameters that need improvement or these parameters will not see adaptation. It is this simple fact that is ignored and/or misunderstood – by the fitness industry, and thus the value of squats, deadlifts, presses, cleans, and combinations of barbell movements with gymnastic skills and track & field skills goes unappreciated and therefore causes an incorrect education of our society.
The other unfortunate aspect is that holding businesses to these truths would complicate their businesses. It is very hard to find qualified staff to train members at optimal levels of skill and intensity. And it will continue this way as long as the standard fitness center pays minimum wage for trainers. Qualified coaches generally get paid more than fitness centers are willing to spend. All hope is not lost! This paradigm is slowly breaking down and we can thank CrossFit! As CrossFit grows and it becomes harder to ignore the results of honest work done at high intensities, the “fitness media” is taking notice. You see more stories featuring the benefits of weight training versus aerobics-only programs.
It honestly isn’t rocket science, as most things in life work in a way that you get out of an effort what you put into it. This is something that we all know, however, we still crack and are willing to believe people who tell us otherwise. We hear 20-min a day and you could look like this, or all you have to do is walk on the treadmill. Unfortunately it isn’t true and we know that because we are smart people.
To summarize my experience as a CrossFit Coach and Affiliate owner for 1 1/2 years, on top of 10+ years in the fitness industry, is that not one of the 180+ women we have trained has gotten bigger and stayed bigger. I have seen a couple women get bigger as the body begins its transformation. However, bigger is temporary. Usually lean mass increases first. Shortly thereafter, a layer of fat melts off the top of the newly acquired lean mass. As soon as that happens, the women are thrilled. For the clients that incorporate a zone/paleo approach to nutrition, the results come quickly and without fail. For those that do not make dietary changes, the process takes longer. And don’t forget that strength will have longer lasting benefits than the immediate tight ass or smaller waist. It will help you open jars, carry your own groceries, move your own furniture, stay mobile and osteoporosis free so you can enjoy a long active life! So get started and pick up some heavy weights to start making the changes that you want to see.
You might now be thinking that because there are such big differences, then it must be true what the fitness industry says about the necessity of gender specific programs and exercises. This could not be further from the truth. Women may lack higher levels of testosterone, but we are built the same when you look at our body structures. We are not as different as bunnies and fish. Men and Women, however, both recruit motor units into the same patterns to cause muscle contractions…..just to different degrees. A real world example would be that physiologically, Aaron Rogers and your grandmother operate the same way, in the same sense that Labradors and Toy Poodles are both dogs.
What does this all mean? That the type of stress (i.e. training / heavy strength) will cause the best results in both men and women, only the degree of results will vary. For example, Squats work better for everybody than leg extensions, leg curls, and the Bun Blasters because of the quality of stress they produce. “Squats are performed with the same muscles by everybody, they are hard for everybody, hard enough to produce system-wide stress for everybody – and this is why they work for everybody. Men are more efficient at responding to the stress of squats in terms of elevated testosterone levels, and in this respect men can get stronger and bigger faster.” (Rippetoe) What this doesn’t mean is that women are not served well by using “less efficient” ways to produce stress on their bodies. We just wont get as strong or big as men. J
So what should we do ladies? We need to be doing barbell exercises that demand strength, balance, power, coordination, and mental focus to produce a type of stress and adaptation that is superior to either low-intensity floor exercise (or walking on the treadmill) or isolation type machine exercises (i.e. bicep curls, leg extensions). It is the stress that causes the adaptation, and the quality of the adaptation is dependent on the quality of the stress. For example, an exercise that does not involve balance cannot cause an improvement in balance. The stress on the body must target the parameters that need improvement or these parameters will not see adaptation. It is this simple fact that is ignored and/or misunderstood – by the fitness industry, and thus the value of squats, deadlifts, presses, cleans, and combinations of barbell movements with gymnastic skills and track & field skills goes unappreciated and therefore causes an incorrect education of our society.
The other unfortunate aspect is that holding businesses to these truths would complicate their businesses. It is very hard to find qualified staff to train members at optimal levels of skill and intensity. And it will continue this way as long as the standard fitness center pays minimum wage for trainers. Qualified coaches generally get paid more than fitness centers are willing to spend. All hope is not lost! This paradigm is slowly breaking down and we can thank CrossFit! As CrossFit grows and it becomes harder to ignore the results of honest work done at high intensities, the “fitness media” is taking notice. You see more stories featuring the benefits of weight training versus aerobics-only programs.
It honestly isn’t rocket science, as most things in life work in a way that you get out of an effort what you put into it. This is something that we all know, however, we still crack and are willing to believe people who tell us otherwise. We hear 20-min a day and you could look like this, or all you have to do is walk on the treadmill. Unfortunately it isn’t true and we know that because we are smart people.
To summarize my experience as a CrossFit Coach and Affiliate owner for 1 1/2 years, on top of 10+ years in the fitness industry, is that not one of the 180+ women we have trained has gotten bigger and stayed bigger. I have seen a couple women get bigger as the body begins its transformation. However, bigger is temporary. Usually lean mass increases first. Shortly thereafter, a layer of fat melts off the top of the newly acquired lean mass. As soon as that happens, the women are thrilled. For the clients that incorporate a zone/paleo approach to nutrition, the results come quickly and without fail. For those that do not make dietary changes, the process takes longer. And don’t forget that strength will have longer lasting benefits than the immediate tight ass or smaller waist. It will help you open jars, carry your own groceries, move your own furniture, stay mobile and osteoporosis free so you can enjoy a long active life! So get started and pick up some heavy weights to start making the changes that you want to see.
Women, Crossfit and Myths Part 1
“LIES IN THE GYM”. It shows us that one does not have to go far in the average gym (obviously not a CrossFit Gym) to find someone willing to hand out bad information. This article outlines many of the myths that women are hearing about fitness and strength training.
Let me summarize several of the myths this article touches on.
1. Weight training will make you huge and masculine.
2. Men Train. Women Tone.
3. There is a difference between toning, sculpting and firming.
4. Women should stick to machines and stay away from free weights.
5. Women shouldn’t work on their leg and butt muscles, otherwise they’ll get to big.
6. Weight Training Turns Fat into Muscle
7. Women should only lift light weights to not get “bulky”
To quote a famous fitness author, “Women are not a special population. They are half the population.” In an article written by Mark Rippetoe he points out that Women DO respond to heavy physical stress (i.e. lifting heavy shit) differently than men. However, women get the best results when they train for performance (the whole premise of CrossFit and what we do), because even though there are differences between men’s and women’s response to training, there is no difference in the quality of the exercise needed to produce the stress that causes our bodies to change. The different responses men and women see in training are not the ones that the industry, media and popular culture have presented as fact. This unfortunately has had a detrimental effect on women’s training.
The answer to our questions on how to get there are right in front of us. The results, in terms of both performance and aesthetics, admired by the vast majority of women, continue to be routinely produced by advanced athletic programs. Which then amazes me how “body-sculpting sessions or low intensity machine based circuit programs were the approach sold to the public. But then again, “easier” is easier to sell.
The fact is that aesthetics are best obtained from training for performance. It becomes very simple, if you want to look like a lean athlete (the standard most active women strive to emulate) you have to train like an athlete, and the unfortunate part is that most people lack the “sand” for that. Despite this unfortunate truth (most truths seem to fall into this category), the fitness industry continues to see appearances first, as though it is independent of performance. Appearance cannot be trained for. Think about it: I know how to make your squat stronger, but how do you program Bun Blaster sets and reps for a tight ass? I may be able to double your pull-ups in a month, but I don’t know how to give your back that V-Shape everyone craves without increasing your pull-ups. Every single aspect of programming for resistance training that works at all does so because it increases some aspect of performance, and appearance is a side effect of performance.
Let me summarize several of the myths this article touches on.
1. Weight training will make you huge and masculine.
2. Men Train. Women Tone.
3. There is a difference between toning, sculpting and firming.
4. Women should stick to machines and stay away from free weights.
5. Women shouldn’t work on their leg and butt muscles, otherwise they’ll get to big.
6. Weight Training Turns Fat into Muscle
7. Women should only lift light weights to not get “bulky”
To quote a famous fitness author, “Women are not a special population. They are half the population.” In an article written by Mark Rippetoe he points out that Women DO respond to heavy physical stress (i.e. lifting heavy shit) differently than men. However, women get the best results when they train for performance (the whole premise of CrossFit and what we do), because even though there are differences between men’s and women’s response to training, there is no difference in the quality of the exercise needed to produce the stress that causes our bodies to change. The different responses men and women see in training are not the ones that the industry, media and popular culture have presented as fact. This unfortunately has had a detrimental effect on women’s training.
The answer to our questions on how to get there are right in front of us. The results, in terms of both performance and aesthetics, admired by the vast majority of women, continue to be routinely produced by advanced athletic programs. Which then amazes me how “body-sculpting sessions or low intensity machine based circuit programs were the approach sold to the public. But then again, “easier” is easier to sell.
The fact is that aesthetics are best obtained from training for performance. It becomes very simple, if you want to look like a lean athlete (the standard most active women strive to emulate) you have to train like an athlete, and the unfortunate part is that most people lack the “sand” for that. Despite this unfortunate truth (most truths seem to fall into this category), the fitness industry continues to see appearances first, as though it is independent of performance. Appearance cannot be trained for. Think about it: I know how to make your squat stronger, but how do you program Bun Blaster sets and reps for a tight ass? I may be able to double your pull-ups in a month, but I don’t know how to give your back that V-Shape everyone craves without increasing your pull-ups. Every single aspect of programming for resistance training that works at all does so because it increases some aspect of performance, and appearance is a side effect of performance.
Appearance can’t change unless performance does, and the performance changes are what we quantify and what we program. Your appearance when fit is almost entirely a function of your genetics, which are expressed at their best only when your training is at it’s highest level, and this level is only obtainable from a program based on an improvement in your performance in the gym. To top it off the best improvements in the gym occur when participating in a program that looks more like performance athletics (i.e. CrossFit) that one that looks like waving your arms or legs around on a machine.
More Unfortunate Truths:
- Your muscles cannot get longer without some rather radical orthopedic surgery.
- Muscles don’t get leaner ….. you do!
- There is no such thing as “firming & toning”. There is only stronger and weaker.
- The vast majority of women cannot get large, masculine muscles from weight training. If it were that easy, I would have them!
- Women who do look like men have taken some rather drastic steps in that direction that have little to do with their exercise program.
- Women who claim to be afraid to train hard because they “always bulk up too much” are often already pretty bulky, or “skinny fat” (thin but weak and de-conditioned) and have found another excise to continue life sitting on their butts.
- Only people willing to work to the point of discomfort on a regular basis using effective means to produce that discomfort will actually look like they have been other-than-comfortable most of the time.
- You can thank the muscle magazines for these persistent misconceptions, along with the natural tendency of all normal humans to see reasons to avoid hard physical exertion.
WOD - 18/10/10
Pull Ups during WOD 1 at Crossfit Wollongong |
WOD - Nate
Zercher Squats 5-5-5-3-3-3
Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of:
2 Muscle-ups
4 Handstand Push-ups
8 32/24kg Kettlebell swings
Not sure whether took take a rest day, I feel okay but the sunburn is killing me
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Crossfit Wollongong's Games Day
What an awesome crew - GO CFNW!! |
Hey Guys
So I come back from the GONG sunburnt, and bit battered and bruised but all still in one piece - granted one sore piece but one piece.
I rocked up there at around anxious to see what the WODs were for the day. The first WOD was:
90 seconds at each station
- Thursters - 30kg
- Deadlifts - 65kg
- Burpees
- Pull Ups
- Kettlebell Swings - 16kg
- Box Jumps
This one didn't look to bad I mean come on, its only 90 seconds, boy I was wrong, this WOD killed, even some of the advanced guys were feeling it
I came out of this WOD in 12th place, wasn't happy with my performance, but atleast I wasn't coming last
The WOD 2 was
500m Row
400m Run
50 Squats
50 Push Ups
400m Run
We did this WOD around 1pm, it was boiling out there, I did the row in 1:58, but the run really slowed me down, it was hot I was having trouble breathing, but I got through, had everyone cheering me on managed to run the last 400m all the way to the finish line.
Got sunburnt today, but other than was such an awesome, had a fantastic time!
Oh well back to training to tomorrow, bring on that 2.4km run!!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Preparation for Wollongong Games Day
So as most of you know the Crossfit Wollongong Games Day is tomorrow. So thought it would be a good idea to see how us athletes prepare for competion.
This week has been a really light week for me. I'm so used to doing 5 sometimes 6 sessions per week, but because of the Games on Sunday, had to take it easy. So I trained Monday, Tuesday and Thursday and had Wednesday, Friday and Saturday as a rest, which was actually really good for me so that I could deal with some niggling injuries like my shins and my shoulder. They both feel pretty good, so I'm getting ready to unleash at Wollongong tomorrow should be really good!
Food for the day will be
- Eggs
- Mince
- Berries
- Tuna
So the plan is just to put in the best performance that I can, thats all I can do!!
Next post will be post games day - catch up with you then!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Food Diary - 14/10/10
Food Diary - 14/10/10
3 Egg Omlette with
100g Chicken
2 Mushroom
Spinach Leaves
1/2 Tomato
180g Tuna in Springwater
Steak Sandwich - I know I slipped up with this...
1 Hard Boiled Egg
90g Pink Salmon
2 Hard Boiled Eggs
210g Mince with Taco Mix
Vege Mix - Choy Sum, Spinach, Capsicum, Mushroom and Brocolli
3 Egg Omlette with
100g Chicken
2 Mushroom
Spinach Leaves
1/2 Tomato
180g Tuna in Springwater
Steak Sandwich - I know I slipped up with this...
1 Hard Boiled Egg
90g Pink Salmon
2 Hard Boiled Eggs
210g Mince with Taco Mix
Vege Mix - Choy Sum, Spinach, Capsicum, Mushroom and Brocolli
WOD- 14/10/10
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Food Diary - 13/10/10
Food Diary - 13/10/10
3 Egg Omlette with
100g Chicken
2 Mushroom
Spinach Leaves
1 Whole Avocado
Hard Boiled Egg
Meat Mix- 400g Chicken and Beef
90g Pink Salmon
2 Hard Boiled Eggs
120 Chicken
Vege Mix - Choy Sum, Spinach, Capsicum, Mushroom and Brocolli
3 Egg Omlette with
100g Chicken
2 Mushroom
Spinach Leaves
1 Whole Avocado
Hard Boiled Egg
Meat Mix- 400g Chicken and Beef
90g Pink Salmon
2 Hard Boiled Eggs
120 Chicken
Vege Mix - Choy Sum, Spinach, Capsicum, Mushroom and Brocolli
WOD- 13/10/10
Ring Dips 5-5-5-3-3-3
Rest 5:00
50-40-30-20 and 10 rep rounds of:
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
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Running |
So guys, as I mentioned in my previous post I pretty much hate the running. But I've such big improvements in my running that I wanted to share with you all. As some of you know I had major knee surgery last September- I had a knee re-alignment procedure done, which kept me off my feet for quite a while I basically only got back into running around July this year, and have come such a long way since.
Me knee after surgery last year |
When I first starting running with my physio Greame I could only run not even 100m without being severly out of breath and calves, shins, and ankles would be in a lot of pain - this to me was a pretty pathetic effort on my behalf. Basically I would try for 3 x 100m run's and they were slow runs and I would whinge to Greame about how much pain I was in, and we stayed at 3x100m for quite a while, then things started to progress upto 5x100m to 8x100, then to 10x100m, and when I got to being able to do 10x100m I was pretty impressed with myself I mean before I wouldn't have been able to do that.
Then I started Crossfit where running seemed to be a staple in almost every WOD, so I slowly built up the running and soon I was running 200m x 3 rounds, and I was pretty stoked at that. Then I changed boxes and started to train at Norwest, where Rob started to push me on the runs, making me do 200m runs without stopping, then upto 400m, then 800m then before I knew it I was running (granted not the whole way) but doing 1.6km runs as a WARM UP! I was really happy with the way everything was progressing.
Then a WOD for a 5km came up and I freaked out big time. I remember saying to Rob that there was no way I was going to be able to do a 5km run - was he crazy! Nope he was serious, so I got sent out first, and the run started off great I got across the road and rolled my ankle, it hurt, but I kept going, then I get the top of Victoria Ave, and my back and hip starts playing up, and Dora and Antonio pass me, but I kept on going, running...walking...running...walking along Windsor Rd, and Neil, Marty and Brandon all pass me. I kept thinking OMG, when is this going to end, then I get to the lights and at this point I was quite emotional - almost in tears and I start running again down Hoyle Ave, where everyone was there to greet me at the end, when Rob said I still had to run the extra lap 1.6km to finish off the run. By this point I was that emotional I was crying, and sore, and just wanted it to be over. Dora and Antonio ran with me that last lap, they kept saying to me it doesn't matter if your crying just keep on running and I did I finally crossed the line in 58min. I couldn't believe it, I actually did it. I was in tears - I think they were tears of joy by the end. I had never felt more proud of myself then I did at that moment.
Then around 1 month ago, it came up for a 10km run at out new box, now this really freaked me out, I mean yes I had done 5km, but 10km was a huge deal. I thought Rob would have let me scale, but no he just looked at me and said you will do it Gill, and he was right I did it, I swore, screamed cried during this tough 10km, and did it in 2hrs 10min, not happy with the time, but the fact that I did it, meant the world to me.
Now I do 2.4km twice a week and have my time under 20 minutes- really happy with this and the way the running is going- now time to work on the beep test and the sprints!
Just remember there are things we don't like doing, but sometimes, just need to suck it up and get through it! Its the only way to get better at them! Since doing those 2 runs I feel like I can do anything!
Weak Skills
I thought today would be a good time to talk about weak skills. Let's face it we all have them, those of you who know me well, know that I absolutely hate running (I hate it a little less then when I started, but I still hate it!)
I would definately class running as one of my weak skills, we all have weak skills because we avoid doing the things that we hate. A great way attack your weak skills it to come up with a plan of attack to get better at them. For me I know have to run 5km per week. 2.4km on Mondays and Fridays, I get to the box early, and off I go. The first time I did this 2.4km at the new box I ran it in 26minutes something, which is pretty pathetic to say the least for a 2.4km run. After running the 2.4km twice a week (which is to our 800m mark x3 - and this also up and down a hill) my time has improved to 19:58, which I was absolutely stoked about. To crack that 20minute barrier is a huge achivement for me!
I also would consider double unders as one of my weak skills - before coming to Crossfit Norwest I couldn't even do a double under, now I string together 2 or 3 and even on a good day sometimes 4 before I go too far back and slam into a tyre or the wall! But because I keep practising these skills I am getting better and better every day
So basically guys what I am saying is instead of always working on the skills that you are good at, start working at the skills that your not so good on. Practise doesn't make perfect, but it get's you closer to perfect!
I would definately class running as one of my weak skills, we all have weak skills because we avoid doing the things that we hate. A great way attack your weak skills it to come up with a plan of attack to get better at them. For me I know have to run 5km per week. 2.4km on Mondays and Fridays, I get to the box early, and off I go. The first time I did this 2.4km at the new box I ran it in 26minutes something, which is pretty pathetic to say the least for a 2.4km run. After running the 2.4km twice a week (which is to our 800m mark x3 - and this also up and down a hill) my time has improved to 19:58, which I was absolutely stoked about. To crack that 20minute barrier is a huge achivement for me!
I also would consider double unders as one of my weak skills - before coming to Crossfit Norwest I couldn't even do a double under, now I string together 2 or 3 and even on a good day sometimes 4 before I go too far back and slam into a tyre or the wall! But because I keep practising these skills I am getting better and better every day
So basically guys what I am saying is instead of always working on the skills that you are good at, start working at the skills that your not so good on. Practise doesn't make perfect, but it get's you closer to perfect!
Food Diary - 12/10/10
Food Diary - 12/10/10
3 Egg Omlette with
100g Chicken
2 Mushrooms
Handful of Spinach Leaves
1 Hard Boiled Egg
Mix of 400g Chicken and Beef
180g Tuna in Springwater
2 Hard Boiled Egg
100g Chicken
Avocado - not feeling too hungry
20ml Fish Oil
3 Egg Omlette with
100g Chicken
2 Mushrooms
Handful of Spinach Leaves
1 Hard Boiled Egg
Mix of 400g Chicken and Beef
180g Tuna in Springwater
2 Hard Boiled Egg
100g Chicken
Avocado - not feeling too hungry
20ml Fish Oil
Monday, October 11, 2010
Food Diary - 11/10/10
Food Diary
3 Egg Omlette with
80g Chicken in Spices
2 Mushrooms
Handful of Spinach Leaves
1 Whole Avocado
90g Pink Salmon
1 Hard Boiled Egg
120g Chicken
100g Beef - both in spices
Vege Mix of Choy Sum, Spinach, Capsicum - red and green and Mushrooms
7 Strawberries and around 15 blueberries
2 Hard Boiled Eggs
Feeling too sick after the WOD to eat - just small amount of water
3 Egg Omlette with
80g Chicken in Spices
2 Mushrooms
Handful of Spinach Leaves
1 Whole Avocado
90g Pink Salmon
1 Hard Boiled Egg
120g Chicken
100g Beef - both in spices
Vege Mix of Choy Sum, Spinach, Capsicum - red and green and Mushrooms
7 Strawberries and around 15 blueberries
2 Hard Boiled Eggs
Feeling too sick after the WOD to eat - just small amount of water
WOD- 11/10/10
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Running with a weighted vest |
In teams of 2-3
1.6km run (carrying 20kg for two / 30kg for 3 people)
3 rounds- following each other onto the next exercise and not moving onto the next exercise until ALL team members have finished reps
5 tyre flips
15 wall ball
20 double unders
20 double unders
15 wall ball
10 burpees
Sunday, October 10, 2010
So I recieved a message from a friend that I went to high school with saying that inspired him to make a change for the better. This got me thinking who is the person or persons that inspire you?
I have a few people who have inspired me on my journey. These people are
1. Rob Downton - who is my coach at Crossfit Norwest. He's an amazing coach and also an amazing athlete. He has been able to push me to new heights and the confidence that he has given me along the way, has given me the confidence to be able to do new things - such as running 5and 10km, to be able to do push ups on my toes, to be being able to believe in myself to be able to achieve new things and complete WODs that I would have normally quit, now the word quit is no longer in my vocabularly. Rob has also changed my mindset in the way I look at things - I'm now a much more positive person, instead of thinking no I can't do this, I know think yes it's going to be tough but I'm stronger and fitter than before and I will get through this!
2. Dan Tarasenko - who has been helping me out with my nutrition and also trains at Crossfit Ignite. In the beginning it was a tough road, we seemed to be a logger heads quite a bit, due probably mainly alot on my part not wanting share everything about myself and holding somethings back, and bascially arguing with any advice that Dan had given me to follow, but slowly and surely my wall came down and I started be more open with both DAN and ROB about what I had been doing and eating, and some other things that would be affecting my eating. Big credit and thank you to Dan who didn't give up on me (even though I was a tough nut to crack - his words lol) and in the end I think we worked with each other, and I now take on board his advice without questioning it (well most of the time!)
3. All the awesome people at Crossfit Norwest - Everytime I come into the box, and see what you guys are achieving it powers and spurs me on to achieve more. I think to myself if these guys can I do it then I want to be able to be just as good. Everyone inspires to push harder through the WODs, everyone who runs with me before the sessions - Corrine, Pauline and even Mike WS (who always finishes the WOD before me, runs with me on the last run!. So everyone at Norwest thank you for inspiring me, everytime I come to train and push me to wanting to achieve more and become fitter stronger like yourselves!
4. Shane Richards - When I first started the journey of losing my weight, Shane was there pushing me through my workouts, but not only my workouts, he also took interest my headspace, which really helped me alot in terms of my motivation to push through and want to drive and achieve more, and not letting me give in when things I got tough - lets just say when things got tough Gill got tougher! Even though I don't train with Shane anymore, I want to thank him for all the knowledge and support that he has given more and on some counts still does give me.
5. Everyone in the Crossfit Community - You guys are awesome people and amazing athletes, and everytime we all get to together for Games Days, its like we have never been apart, I remember the recent Games Day at Crossfit Wollongong - I remember doing Burpees and as everyone knows I absolutely love burpees!! This was tough I was really starting to feel gassed by now, but everyone in the box was screaming at me to finish, I remember hearing Bass's, Kurts, Gemma's a mixture of voices from Norwest, Lela, everyone was screaming at me to finish, and at that point I just dove in and finish off as strong as I could!
Last night I had a post from Deanne @ Crossfit Wollongong- saying that I had inspired so many people in the Gong at the recent open day. Everytime I hear something like that it puts such a massive smile on my face, and makes me think that yes I can do this and yes I can push to new heights, I feel very privilidged for someone to say that I have inspired them :)
So thank you to everyone who inspires me!
General Physical Skills
If your goal is optimum physical competencethen all the general physicalskills must be considered:
1. Cardiovascular/respiratory endurance- The ability of body systems togather, process, and deliver oxygen.
2. Stamina - The ability of body systems to process, deliver, store, andutilize energy.
3. Strength - The ability of a muscular unit, or combination of muscular units,to apply force.
4. Flexibility - the ability to maximize the range of motion at a given joint.
5. Power - The ability of a muscular unit, or combination of muscular units, to apply maximum force in minimum time.
6. Speed - The ability to minimize the time cycle of a repeated movement.
7. Coordination - The ability to combine several distinct movement patterns into a singular distinct movement.
8. Agility - The ability to minimize transition time from one movement pattern to another.
9. Balance - The ability to control the placement of the bodies center of gravity in relation to its support base.
10. Accuracy - The ability to control movement in a given direction or at a given intensity.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
WOD - 9/10/10
Warm Up
800m Row
Part A
Three rounds for time of:
30kg Ground to overhead, 10 reps
200m Row
Part B
15min AMRAP
400m row
10 burpees
10 wall balls
800m Row
Part A
Three rounds for time of:
30kg Ground to overhead, 10 reps
200m Row
Part B
15min AMRAP
400m row
10 burpees
10 wall balls
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