Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Weak Skills

I thought today would be a good time to talk about weak skills.  Let's face it we all have them, those of you who know me well, know that I absolutely hate running (I hate it a little less then when I started, but I still hate it!)

I would definately class running as one of my weak skills, we all have weak skills because we avoid doing the things that we hate.   A great way attack your weak skills it to come up with a plan of attack to get better at them.  For me I know have to run 5km per week.  2.4km on Mondays and Fridays, I get to the box early, and off I go.  The first time I did this 2.4km at the new box I ran it in 26minutes something, which is pretty pathetic to say the least for a 2.4km run. After running the 2.4km twice a week (which is to our 800m mark x3 - and this also up and down a hill) my time has improved to 19:58, which I was absolutely stoked about.  To crack that 20minute barrier is a huge achivement for me!

I also would consider double unders as one of my weak skills -  before coming to Crossfit Norwest I couldn't even do a double under, now I string together 2 or 3 and even on a good day sometimes 4 before I go too far back and slam into a tyre or the wall!  But because I keep practising these skills I am getting better and better every day

So basically guys what I am saying is instead of always working on the skills that you are good at, start working at the skills that your not so good on.  Practise doesn't make perfect, but it get's you closer to perfect!

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