Monday, October 25, 2010

Light Week

Hi Everyone

This month has been a very intense, not just at the box training, but in other areas of my life, I'm feeling a bit run down, tired, not sleeping and also not recovering very well from our intense training that we do at Crossfit.  

This week is going to be a rest week for me, the only training I'm planning to do (if any will be swimming) - to help to take the pressure off the knee - as on Saturday I could barely squat or walk on it.  

This week will be focused on recovering my body and mind, so that I can come back to the box next week more driven, motivated and be ready to tackle the WOD's with everything I have and not give it a half hearted effort, otherwise there's no point in doing it!

Exercise this week:  Swimming
Mental:  Get the motivation and all the personal things sorted out
Recovery:  Try some contrast baths to get rid of DOMS- also some swimming will help with that.  

I will still be posting the WODs up - so feel free to comment :)

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