Friday, October 8, 2010

WOD- 8/10/10


Part A
RAW effort

Squat Snatch 3-3-3-1-1-1

Rest 5:00

Part B

Total your reps for the following:

1:00 Pull ups
1:00 Push ups
1:00 Sit up
1:00 Squats

1 comment:

  1. Part A

    3RM Squat Snatch - 30kg - Lost control and almost dislocated my shoulder on one of the reps - bit scared to go to 40kg, but gave it a shot

    1RM Squat Snatch - 40g- Rep shouldn't have counted as I didn't get low enough

    Part B
    Even though this was a body weight WOD, God this was a killer! Total was 151 reps
