Sunday, October 17, 2010

Crossfit Wollongong's Games Day

What an awesome crew - GO CFNW!!

Hey Guys

So I come back from the GONG sunburnt, and bit battered and bruised but all still in one piece - granted one sore piece but one piece.  

I rocked up there at around anxious to see what the WODs were for the day.  The first WOD was:
90 seconds at each station
- Thursters - 30kg
- Deadlifts - 65kg
- Burpees
- Pull Ups
- Kettlebell Swings - 16kg
- Box Jumps

This one didn't look to bad I mean come on, its only 90 seconds, boy I was wrong, this WOD killed, even some of the advanced guys were feeling it

I came out of this WOD in 12th place, wasn't happy with my performance, but atleast I wasn't coming last

The WOD 2 was
500m Row
400m Run
50 Squats
50 Push Ups
400m Run

We did this WOD around 1pm, it was boiling out there, I did the row in 1:58, but the run really slowed me down, it was hot I was having trouble breathing, but I got through, had everyone cheering me on managed to run the last 400m all the way to the finish line.

Got sunburnt today, but other than was such an awesome, had a fantastic time!

Oh well back to training to tomorrow, bring on that 2.4km run!!

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