Being killed after WOD 1 at the Crossfit Gold Coast Games! |
21-18-15-12-9-6 and 3 rep rounds of:
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 35kg
Push jerk, 35kg
* These are proper push jerks. Do not do a fast push press/jerk where your knees are flexed at the top of the movement. Full hip, shoulder, knee extension.
500m row
15, 10, 5t
Toes to bar
First part of the session wasn't to bad, for something that doesn't look to bad this gassed me quite quickly. Only did this WOD with the bar - shoulder was acting up pretty badly tonight- so just tried to protect it as much as I could.
ReplyDeleteThe row straight after this first part- WOW- really affected the cardio system. I was quite happy with my row today. I got 500m done in 1.48 so stoked to crack 2 minutes!!
The last section "CORE" was nice short finisher - just needed to suck it up and get it done. Managed to get this done in 2.24.
Because of Newcastle Games day, no more WODs til Monday :(