Monday, October 18, 2010

WOD - 18/10/10

Pull Ups during WOD 1 at Crossfit Wollongong

WOD - Nate


Zercher Squats 5-5-5-3-3-3

Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of:
2 Muscle-ups
4 Handstand Push-ups
8 32/24kg Kettlebell swings

Not sure whether took take a rest day, I feel okay but the sunburn is killing me

1 comment:

  1. Part A was Zercher Squats, first time doing these- absolutely killed the elbow joint!! We did 5 and 3RM.
    5RM - 60kg
    3RM - 70kg

    First time doing in these squat, so just wanted to make sure I had the technique right. The legs felt good, but the arms were shot!!

    Part B
    Obviously because I can't do muscle ups or handstand push ups I did the following WOD
    Strict Press 4 reps - 30kg
    8 Kettlebell Swings - 16kg
    6 Push Ups on my toes
    10 Ring Pullups

    20min AMRAP - got out 8 rounds +7

    Killed especially pulling after yesterdays games- bruised, battered and sunburnt
