Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Most Effective Way to Measure Weight Loss and Health

So there has been much debate as to what is the most effective to measure your weight loss and general well being.  I was so used to going to weigh in every week, jumping on the scales and seeing exactly what I had lost and had been doing that for the last few years and it had been working quite well upto until recently.  

What do you do when you stop seeing results on the scales and your weight loss starts to plateau?  If your anything like me, you panic and start thinking " What have I done wrong?' How can fix this?  I should cut down what I'm eating and up more exercise and it'll all be fine and I'll lose again next week.  Right??  Wrong!  

Recently (within the last couple of months) my eyes have been opened to a new way of tracking my weight loss, and that is to focus on how my clothes feel, how I perform in my training, and just how I am feeling in general are great ways and better ways to track my weight loss.  

Also I've come to realise that jumping on the scales everyday or before even sometimes twice a day for me is a little OCD, and isn't good for me physcologically and can really put me in a bad headspace especially if I'm not seeing the results that I want to see or the results I think I deserve.  

What are your views of the most effective way to track weight loss and improved health- do you agree with what I have posted or would you suggest other ways to track it.  

Look forward to your feedback!

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