Saturday, October 16, 2010

Preparation for Wollongong Games Day

So as most of you know the Crossfit Wollongong Games Day is tomorrow.  So thought it would be a good idea to see how us athletes prepare for competion.  

This week has been a really light week for me.  I'm so used to doing 5 sometimes 6 sessions per week, but because of the Games on Sunday, had to take it easy.  So I trained Monday, Tuesday and Thursday and had Wednesday, Friday and Saturday as a rest, which was actually really good for me so that I could deal with some niggling injuries like my shins and my shoulder.  They both feel pretty good, so I'm getting ready to unleash at Wollongong tomorrow should be really good!

Food for the day will be
- Eggs
- Mince
- Berries
- Tuna

So the plan is just to put in the best performance that I can, thats all I can do!!

Next post will be post games day - catch up with you then!

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